Imperial Repeater Gun
"ipower.fmeammo for autogun
"bullet.fmeautogun bullet
"bullexp.waxbullet explosion
Textures.gobautogun1.bmautogun at rest
"autogun2.bmautogun firing
"autogun3.bmautogun chamber rotating
Sounds.gobex-tiny.vocgun shot hitting object
"repeater.vocrapid fire autogun
"repeat-1.vocsingle shot autogun
"rep-emp.vocautogun empty
return to main

Boba Fett
Sprites.gobbobaball.waxboba fett shots yellow balls
"genexp.waxboba fett ball explosion
"bobafett.waxboba fett
Sounds.gobfireball.vocboba fett ball missed shot
"ex-med1.vocboba fett ball explosion sound
"boba-1.vocboba fett laughing
"boba-2.vocboba fett firing weapon
"boba-3.vocboba fett hit
"boba-4.vocboba fett dying
"rocket-2.vocboba fett flying
return to main

Bossk (Trandoshan)
Sprites.gobiconcus.fmeconcussion rifle
"concexp.waxconcussion rifle explosion
"bossk-1.vochisstth when bossk sees you
"bossk-3.vocbossk hurt
Sounds.gobbosskdie.vocbossk dying
"ex-lrg1.voclarge concussion explosion sound
"concuss5.vocconcussion rifle firing
"bossk-2.vocnot used
return to main

Dark.gobwrbolt.3do red laser shot
Sprites.gobist-guni.fmelaser rifle horizontal position
"exptiny.wax laser explosion
"commando.wax commando
Sounds.gobransto01.voc commando There he is stop him
"ransto02.voc commando You there stop where you are
"ransto03.voc commando Stop rebel scum
"ransto04.voc commando Your not authorized in this area
"ransto05.voc commando Surrender immediately
"ransto06.voc commando Halt
"ransto07.voc commando Set blasters on full
"ransto08.voc commando Blast him
"st-hrt-1.voc commando hurt
"st-die-1.voc commando die
"ex-tiny1.voc gun shot hitting wall
"boltref1.voc shot that hits kyle from laser type weapon
****** only when super sheild or laimLame used
"lasrby.voc laser shot miss
"rifle-1.voc rifle single shot
return to main

Stouker Concussion Rifle
Sprites.gobiconcus.fmeconcussion rifle
"concexp.waxconcussion blue explosion
Textures.gobconcuss1.bmconcussion rifle at rest
Sounds.gobconcuss1.vocconcussion rifle empty
"concuss5.vocconcussion rifle firing
"concuss6.vocconcussion rifle empty ???
"ex-lrg1.voclarge explosion sound
return to main

Plasma Cannon / Missile Launcher
Sprites.gobicannon.fmeplasma cannon
"iplazma.fmeplasma power cells ,dropped by DT
"imsl.fmemissile pickup
"imsls.fmemissiles pickup
"wplasma.waxplasma cannon blue shot
"wmsl.waxmissile flying
"missexp.waxmissile explosion
"plasexp.waxplasma explosion
Textures.gobassault1.bmplasma cannon at rest
"assault2.bmplasma cannon firing
"assault3.bmmissile launcher at rest
"assault4.bmmissile launcher firing
Sounds.gobmissile1.vocmissile firing
"plas-emp.vocplasma cannon empty
"plasma4.vocplasma cannon firing
"ex-med1.vocplasma/missile explosion
"bigrefl1.vochit by DT plasma cannon /missile
******When supershield or laimlame on
return to main

Interrogation Droid
Sprites.gobipower.fmeAmmo dropped by droid
"widball.waxgreen ball shot
"emisexp.waxdroid shot explosion
"intdroid.waxinterrogation droid
Sounds.gobintalert.vocdroid ummmwwaa sound
"instun.vocdroid stunning at close range sound
"probfir1.vocdroid firing
"ex-small.vocint droid exploding
"ex-tiny1.vocshot exploding
"bigrefl1.vocused when kyle hit by droid shot
******only when supershield or laimlame on
"emisby.vocdroid shot missing kyle
return to main

Probe Droid
Dark.gobwrbolt.3dored laser shot
Sprites.gobprobe.waxprobe droid
"ipower.fmeammo dropped by probe droid
"genexp.waxprobe droid exploding
"exptiny.waxprobe droid laser shot explosion
Sounds.gobprobe-1.vocenemy escape advance used when probe sees you
"probfir1.vocprobe droid firing
"probalm.vocprobe about to explode
"ex-tiny1.voclaser shot explosion sound
"lasrby.voclaser shot missed kyle
"ex-med1.vocprobe exploding sound
"boltref1.voclaser shot hitting kyle
******used when laimlame or supershield on
return to main

Remote Droid
Dark.gobwgbolt.3dogreen laser shot
Sprites.gobremote.waxremote droid
"exptiny.waxlaser explosion
Sounds.gobprobfir.vocremote shooting
"remote-2.vocremote psshhttt
"ex-tiny1.voclaser shot explosion sound
"lasrby.voclaser shot misses kyle sound
"boltref1.voclaser hits kyle
******only when laimlame or supershield on
return to main

Jeron Fusion Cutter
Sprites.gobifusion.fmefusion cutter
"ipower.fmeammo for fusion
"weimiss.waxfusion ball shot
"emisexp.waxfusion shot explosion
Textures.gobfusion1.bmfusion cutter at rest
"fusion2.bmbarrel #1 firing
"fusion3.bmbarrel #2 firing
"fusion4.bmbarrel #3 firing
"fusion5.bmbarrel #4 firing
"fusion6.bmall barrels firing
Sounds.gobex-tiny1.vocfusion shot explosion sound
"fusion1.vocfusion cutter shot
"fusion2.vocfusion cutter empty
return to main

Gamorrean Guard
Sprites.gobgamguard.waxgamorrean guard
Sounds.gobgamor-3.vocguard sighting you grunt
"gamor-2.vocguard squeal when hurt
"gamor-1.vocguard dying
"axe-1.vocAxe sound
return to main

Kell Dragon
Sprites.gobkell.waxkell dragon
Sounds.gobkelljump.vockell jumping
"kell-1.vocRoar used when kyle first spotted
"kell-2.vocnot used kell dragon
"kell-5.vocused when biting kyle
"kell-7.vockell dying
"kell-8.vockell hit or hurt
return to main

I.M Mines
Sprites.goblandmine.fmelooks like a candle mine
"imine.fmeone upright mine pickup
"imines.fmemine pack pickup
"wmine.fmemine on floor with light
"wlmine.fmemine on floor no light
"mineexp.waxlarge white mine explosion
Textures.gobclay1.bmmine in hand no light
"clay2.bmmine in hand with light
Sounds.gobbeep-10.voc beeps before exploding
"ex-lrg1.voclarge explosion sound
"claymor1.voclaying mine sound
return to main

Mouse Bot
Dark.gobmousebot.3domouse bot
Sounds.voceeek-1.vocmouse squack
"eeek-2.vocmouse hit/hurt
"eeek-3.vocmouse dying
return to main

Packered Mortar Gun
Sprites.gobimortar.fmemortar gun
"ishell.fme1 mortar shell pickup
"ishells.fmemortar shells pickup
"wshell.waxflying mortar shell
"mortexp.wax mortar explosion
Textures.gobmortar1.bmmortar gun at rest
"mortar2.bmmortar gun firing
"mortar3.bmmortar gun firing
"mortar4.bmmortar gun chamber rotaing
Sounds.gobex-med1.vocmortar explosion sound
"mortar4.vocmortar gun firing
"mortar2.vocmortar gun empty
"mortar9.vocmortar gun chamber rotating sound
return to main

Dark.gobwrbolt.3dored laser shot
"exptiny.wax shot explosion
"ienergy.fmeammo dropped by I_officer logic
"ikeyr.fmered key dropped by logic I_officerr
"ikeyb.fmeblue key dropped by logic officnb
"ikeyy.fmeyellow key dropped by logic I_officery
"det_code.fmeblank det_code logic I_officer1-9
Sounds.gobranofc02.vocofficer "stop where you are"
"ranofc04.vocofficer "your not authorised in this area"
"ranofc05.vocofficer "your in violationof imperial law"
"ranofc06.vocofficer "halt"
"st-hrt-1.vocofficer hurt
"st-die-1.vocofficer dying
"ex-tiny1.voclaser shot explosion sound
"lasrby.voclaser shot miss
"boltref1.vocshot hitting kyle
******only when laimlame or supershield is on
return to main

Phase 1 Dark Trooper
Sprites.gobphase1.waxphase1 dark trooper
Sounds.vocphase1a.vocneaahh used when sighted by phase1
"phase1b.vocaaagh used when phase1 hurt
"phase1c.vocphase1 dying
"sword-1.vocsword sound
"lasrby.vocshot hitting phase 1 DT shield
return to main

Phase 2 Dark Trooper
Sprites.gobphase2.waxphase2 dark trooper
"iplasma.fmeplasma power cells pickup
"imsls.fmemissiles pickup
"wmsl.waxflying missile
"wplasma.waxblue plasma shot flying
"missexp.waxmissile explosion
"plasexp.waxplasma explosion
Sounds.gobphase2a.vocphase 2 ahhgggiioooklok used when sighting kyle
"phase2b.vocphase 2 phutt die used when hit
"phase3c.vocphase 2 dying
"rocket-1.vocphase 2 flying (jetpack)
"plasma4.vocplasma cannon firing
"missile1.vocmissile firing
"ex-med1.vocplasma/missile explosion
"emisby.vocmissed shot
"bigrefl1.vocused when kyle hit by plasma or missile
******only when laimlame or supershield is on
return to main

Phase 3 Dark Trooper (MOHC)
Sprites.gobphase3x.waxphase3 dark trooper (mohc)
"wdt3msl.waxphase3 yellow balls fyling
"plasexp.wax.plasma explosion
"missexp.wax.tracker balls explosion
"wplasma.waxblue plasma shot flying
Sounds.gobmissile1.voctracker balls launch sound
"plasma4.vocplasma cannon firing
"tracker.vocmechanical noise when tracker balls about to be launched
"rocket-1.vocphase 3 flying (jetpack)
"emisby.vocmissed plasma shot
"ex-med1.vocplasma and tracker ball explosion
"phase3a.vocmohc laugh
******used in arc.inf,,sector mohc_laugh/also used when first sighting kyle
"phase3b.vocphase 3 hurt mrp oghh
"phase3c.vocphase 3 dying ooooooggghhhh
"bigrefl1.vocused when kyle hit by plasma or missile
****only when laimlame or supershield is on
"m16moc01.voc"it`s been a long time since i challenged a man" in battle
******used by arc.inf sector: voclev
return to main

Modified Bryar Pistol
Dark.gobwrbolt.3dored laser shot
Sprites.gobexptiny.waxlaser explosion
"ienergy.fmeammo for pistol
Textures.gobpistol1.bmpistol at rest
"pistol2.bmpistol firing
"pistol3.bmpistol going to rest position
Sounds.gobex-tiny1.voclaser explosion sound
"lasrby.vocmissed laser shot
"pistol-1.vocpistol shot sound
"pistout1.vocpistol empty
"boltref1.voclaser shot hitting kyle
******only when laimlame or supershield is on
return to main

Reeyee (Gran)
"idets.fmethermal detonators pickup
"wdet.fmethermal detonator thrown
"detexp.waxthermal detonator explosion
Sounds.vocreeyee-1.voc"hey hold up who`s there"
"reeyee-2.vocyooooggh reeyee hurt
"reeyee-3.vocyouuuuggghh reeyee dying
"ex-small.vocthermal detonator explosion
"reeyee1.vocnot used
"reeyee2.vocnot used
"reeyee3.vocnot used
"reeyee4.vocnot used
"thermal1.vocthermal detonator bounce sound
******when thermal detonator hits ceiling or floor
return to main

Stormtrooper Laser Rifle
Dark.gobwrbolt.3dored laser shot
Sprites.gobist-guni.fmehorizontal laser rifle pickup
"ist-gunu.fmevetical laser rifle pickup
"ienergy.fmeammo for laser rifle
"exptiny.waxlaser shot explosion
Textures.gobrifle-1.bmlaser rifle at rest
"rifle-2.bmlaser rfile firing
Sounds.gobex-tiny1.voclaser explosoin sound
"laserby.vocmissed shot
"rifle-1.vocrifle single shot
"riflout.vocrifle empty
"boltref1.voclaser hits kyle
******only when laimlame or supershield on
return to main

Sewer Creature (Dianoga)
Sounds.gobcreatur1.voccreature low growl when it sees kyle
"creatur2.voccreature attacking
"creathrt.voccreature hurt
"creatdie.voccreature dying
return to main

Thermal Detonator
Sprites.gobidet.fme1 thermal detonator pickup
"idets.fmethermal detonators pickup
"wdet.fmethermal detonator for throwing
"detexp.waxthermal detonator explosion
Textures.gobtherm1.bmthermal detonator in hand at rest
"therm2.bmthermal detonator in right hand
"therm3.bmempty right hand
Sounds.gobex-small.vocthermal detonator explsion sound
"thermal1.vocthermal detonator bounce
return to main

Dark.gobwrbolt.3do red laser shot
Sprites.gobist-guni.fmelaser rifle horizontal postion
"exptiny.wax laser explosion
Sounds.gobransto01.voc stormtrooper There he is stop him
"ransto02.voc stormtrooper You there stop where you are
"ransto03.voc stormtrooper Stop rebel scum
"ransto04.voc stormtrooper Your not authorized in this area
"ransto05.voc stormtrooper Surrender immediately
"ransto06.voc stormtrooper Halt
"ransto07.voc stormtrooper Set blasters on full
"ransto08.voc stormtrooper Blast him
"st-hrt-1.voc stormtrooper hurt
"st-die-1.voc stormtrooper die
"ex-tiny1.voc gun shot hitting wall
"rifle-1.vocrifle single shot
"lasrby.vocmissed laser shot
"boltref1.vocshot that hits kyle
******only when laimlame or super shield on
return to main

Turret Gun
Dark.gobgun.3doturret gun
"base.3doturret base
"wgbolt.3dogreen laser
Sprites.gobgenexp.waxturret explosion
"exptiny.waxlaser shot explosion
Sounds.gobturret-1.vocturret firing
"ex-med1.vocturret exploding sound
"lasrby.voclaser shot miss
"ex-tiny1.voclaser shot explosion
return to main

QS100 Welder Arm
Dark.gobweldarm.3dowelder arm
"weldbase.3dowelder base
Sprites.gobgenexp.waxwelder arm exploding
"spark.waxwelder arm hitting kyle
Sounds.gobex-med1.vocwelder arm exploding sound
"weld-1.vocwelder arm moving long distance
"weld-2.vocwelder arm moving short distance
"weldsht1.vocwelder arm hitting kyle
"weldhrt.vocwelder arm hurt
"weld-die.vocwelder arm dying
return to main

Infra-red Goggles
Sprites.gobigoggles.fmeir goggles
Sounds.gobgoggles1.vocgoggles on
"goggles2.vocgoggles battery run down
return to main

Ice Cleats
Sprites.gobicleats.fmeice cleats
Sounds.gobcleat.vocwalking with cleats on not used
"snow.vocwalking in snow not used
return to main

Air Mask
Sprites.gobimask.fmegas mask
Texures,gobgmask.bmgas mask on face
Sounds.gobmask1.vocbreathe in sound
"mask2.vocbreathe out sound
"choke.vocchoking in gas
return to main

Sprites.gobsplash.waxsplash in liquid surface
Sounds.gobhealth1.vocused when health points go down
"shield1.vocused when shield points go down
"crush.vocgetting crushed
"fall.vocfalling yaaaaaahhhhh
"kyledie1.vockyle dying
"land-1.vocnot used
"splash1.voc not used splash
"weapon1.vocweapon pickup sound
"scrshot.vocscreen shot (Dark -ushots)
"key.vockey pickup sound
"comlete.voccompletion sound
"bonus.vocbonus pickup sound
return to main

Misc Pickup Stuff
"icharge.fmeweapon super charge
"ilife.waxextra life
"iplie.fmekyles kit used in jabbship level
"iarmor.waxshield power up
"ikeyr.fmered key
"ikeyb.fmeblue key
"ikeyy.fmeyellow key
"det_code.fmeblank det code
Sounds.gobquarter.vocused when invincible and supercharge running out
return to main

Misc Pickup Goals
Sprites.gobidplans.waxdeathstar plans
"iphrik.waxphrik metal
"inava.waxnava card
"idtgun.waxdefault wax
"idtgun.fmebroken dark trooper weapon
"phrik.fmephrik metal
"idata.fmedata card
"jan.fmejan ors
"crix.waxcrix nadine
return to main

Kyles Fist
Textures.gobrhand1.bmright hand
"punch1.bmleft hand
"punch2.bmleft hand extending fully
"punch3.bmleft hand partialy extended
Sounds.gobpunch.vockyles fist hitting something
"swing.vocfist swinging in empty air
return to main