DF-21 Mission Components

From DF21 Wiki
Revision as of 08:30, 22 March 2024 by Df21admin (talk | contribs)

Why Convert?

Some classic maps are no longer compatible with modern engines such Dark Forces: Remaster or the The Force Engine . Their assets may be spread across multiple files and the LFD files may be renamed and are no longer detectable by the game. The uniform batch file may missing or may execute 16-bit DOS programs that are no longer compatible on modern systems. Having a standardized format for Dark Forces missions is important for automating mod loaders. We want to make it as simple as possible for new playerss to enjoy Dark Forces missions.

What must a modern map support include?

  1. It must support running in The Force Engine and preferably Dark Forces Remaster. DOS support is preferable but optional.
  2. It must have a single entry point - a start.bat file - that a user or a mod loader would execute. This is not required for TFE support.
  3. It must have a metadata.txt file that includes information such as the author, name of the misison, release date, version information as well as optional walkthroughs or reviews.
  4. For DOS and Remaster support it should attempt to clean up any stale LFD files (Such as DFBRIEF.LFD) so as not to pollute the directory.
  5. It should support multiple game stores such as STEAM and GOG.
  6. It should have a mission briefing as well as objectives.
  7. It should include a few screenshots that show off the misison.