Moldy Crow Information
This is an informatic image of the innards of the Moldy Crow - a HWK-290 vessel and Kyle Katarn's ship. Click to Zoom In!

The HWK-290 light freighter was a model of light freighter manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation decades prior to the Invasion of Naboo. It saw moderate sales and continued to be in use into the Galactic Civil War.It was marketed toward wealthy executives and elite government officials

The HWK-290 light freighter was designed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation in the decades prior to the the Invasion of Naboo. It was geared toward wealthy executives and government officials. While it was praised by those who owned them, the vessel never reached the popularity of the YT-series and manufacturing ceased during the Clone Wars. However, many of the ships remained in service well into the time of the Galactic Civil War.[1]

It's worth noting that originally the Crow looked completely different. Look at this ship in an early preview

It was supposed to be based on the Gilded Lily design from the book Galaxy Guide 6 - Tramp Freighters released in 1990

The Glded Lily was supposed to be captained by a Rollo Morsai

The Glded Lily is a Baudo class Star Yacht