The Emperor's Gambit

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Four years after Operation: Skyhook and the destruction of the Death Star, the Rebellion has learned of the creation of a new, more powerful secret weapon. Her Bothan spies having failed to discover any information on the Empire's new plot, Mon Mothma calls up an old agent. Operation Alderaan is now in the hands of Kyle Katarn. Because of the dangerous location of the hidden base in the Outer Rim, the Rebel pilots will not be able to stick around and extract you after the mission. There is a hanger at the base where Kyle should be able to find and steal an Imperial ship. He now must find the entrance to the base, steal the plans to the new Death Star, and find a ship to get him the hell out of there. Reports suggest that the Empire's top agents are in charge of the facility, so be on the lookout. Little does Kyle or the Rebellion know that this is the first step in the Emperor's sinister plan for the final destruction of the Rebel Alliance. (Thus the name of the level, by the way). The events occurring herein fall between the end of ESB and the start of Return of the Jedi.