TFE Editor - Creating or Importing a Level

From DF21 Wiki

Now it is time to create a level or import one into your project. For now, we will assume you called you mod MyMod - though any name will do. Make sure your project is created and loaded, you should see the name of the project at the top of the screen. Go to Asset Type (left, near the top) and choose Level.

You will note that the Asset List is now empty, you mod has no levels in it yet. If you wish to Import a level, uncheck Show Only Mod Levels to see any vanilla levels or levels included in your resources. You can select any of those levels and choose the Import option in the Asset Info section and the level will become part of your project.

Most likely, though, you will want to create a new level. To do that simply hit the Create New Level button. You will be greeted with this dialog:

New Level
  • Name - the name of your level as it appears in the Agent menu. Note you can edit this at any time.
  • Slot - which Dark Forces level slot will this occupy. This effects the game in various ways. You can have multiple levels in a project, but only one level per slot. If you don't know which to pick, SECBASE is a good default.

After making your selections, click on Create Level and the level will now show up in your project, even if Show Only Mod Levels is checked. Select the level now and you should see this:

Selected New Level

At this point, you can select Editor to start the level editor.

  1. The Force Engine Editor
  2. TFE Editor - Creating or Importing a Level
  3. TFE Editor - Layout and Setup