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Dark Forces DeHacker 1.4 Released

Posted by karjala on 2021-01-14 07:43:37 EST

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Today we have great news on modernizing Dark Forces controls. -=CHE@TER=- has released a new version of DeHacker that automates most of the configuration setup. The new program will have you up and running in two button presses.

Version 1.4 Improvements

  • Dual 16 and 32 bit Executable. You can now run the program directly in 32-bit Windows.
  • Automatic Setup of Modern Controls
  • Auto detection of Steam and GOG Galaxy stores
  • Support for Standalone Dark Forces install

You can download DeHacker version 1.4 here Download

And visit his website at DeHacker

Additionally, there is a Steam Guide available at this location Mouselook Guide

Check it out as it will make your playthrough a lot more enjoyable.