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Dark Forces Playthrough Commentary - Part III

Posted by karjala on 2021-03-01 22:14:55 EST

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Once again we are back with one more Dark Forces Playthrough Commentary by Princessruri !

In Part III of his videos, Princessruri delves into the frozen Robotics Facility on Anteevy, the vertical ramparts of Nar Shaddaa, the capital of Nul Hutta, and the labyrinthian passages of The Star Jewel Jabba's pleasure Space Yacht. 


Did you know that...

-  Max the rabbit from Steve Purcell's Sam & Max franchise is hidden in the Robotics Facility? Steve joined Lucasarts in 1988 and worked under Ron Gilbert on Monkey Island. He is a beloved character that is also present in Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire and Star Wars: Jedi Knight !

- That originally you could retrace your steps and return to the Moldy Falcon after picking up the Nava Card on Nar Shaddaa but the elevator was disabled for the final release? Here you can see the locked door that leads to the elevator.

If we teleport behind the door, we can see the elevator just as the Dark Forces developers originally designed it! 

- That Dark Forces supports Non-Euclidean geometry? Here you can see that the hallway at the top seems to occupy the same physical space as the the circular stairwell. Groovy!


Check out the video below for more!