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Dark Forces Playthrough Commentary - Part IV

Posted by karjala on 2021-03-13 23:01:54 EST

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It is time for our final episode Dark Forces Playthrough Commentary by Princessruri !

In Part IV of the series, Princessruri infiltrates the Imperial City on Coruscant , the Fuel Station Ergo, Darth Vader's ship The Executor and finally Rom Mohc's Dark Trooper command ship The Arc Hammer .


Did you know that...

-  If you kill Boba Fett at the beginning of the Imperial City with mines and mortars through the wall, the mission will end and two Moldy Crows will appear on screen?

Boba  Fett

- That the bridge arm on Fuel Station you see outside the control room is fake and that the real bridges are invisible on the map until you hit the switch? 



- That the TIE Fighters on the Executor ship are about a third the size they are in the films? And in the game you can control their size as they fly to simulate distance?

- That the ARC hammer conveyor belt gives you a hint of which path to take by a chain pattern on the wall?

Check out the final video below for more details!