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The Laval Planet Releases!

Posted by karjala on 2021-04-14 07:38:11 EST

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Fish's Among the Shadows II: The Lava Planet is released! 

Today is a monumental day, after thirteen years we are once again adding new custom Dark Forces mission to DF-21.net!

You can download from our new missions site here --> Download Link


Here are some screenshots from the mission, don't fall in the lava! 



Check out this amazing door! 


How to play: To start the mission simply extract the contents to your Dark Forces folder and tell DosBox to run start.bat

Mission Rating
: We have a polling bot for this map. Please follow this link in our Discord --> Rating Poll

Bugs: Please post in our Discord's Support channel for any bugs you may encounter. Please write a good description and take a screenshot of the issue. 

What are you waiting for? Go play the mission and discuss it in our Discord !