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A Jedi Night
Ray Perez
Imperial Probes have been spotted lurking around on the snowy hills of Hoth. You sence that there is a greater purpose from the Imperials rather then suspecting that Hoth would be the place where the Rebels would hide. Its something else. You just cant tell. They want something. You quickly realize that you stole the box that had the Jedi in it. You stole it from them some time ago. There is something important about it. The Storm Troopers didnt care,neither the rebel command. Vader did Care! Would he want the box? What was it called? The Holocron. Kyle runs across the hall as Rebels dash throughout the base abandoning it. Weve spotted At-At walkers! Theyre coming this way! Weve got to leave now!yelled a rebel. Inside your room you pull the little box out of the cupboard. The ground shakes as the ceiling starts to come crashing down. You need to get to your ship and join the fight. All of a sudden you feel a slight tingle. The walls begin to fade away. Everything is disappearing. Then it is peaceful. You see a small figure. You know its a Jedi. It knows You are a Jedi. Greetings Young Jedi. I am Boda Boss. I am from one thousand years before your time. Right now you must complete a circle. A circle? I dont understand? Many years ago a young Jedi by the name of Kyle Katarn came from his time of war and into another time of war. His goal was to find the Book of Anger. A President practicing in the ways of the Darkside wanted an Army of Jedi so he can take control of the galaxy. The Book would influence them and literally manipulate their thoughts toward the Dark Side. Kyle Katarn completed his task by taking the data tape that had the book. Thus the Jedi Killer descided to carry on his process of cloning Jedi.
A New Hope
Mark O'Meara
The Empire have taken Han Solo to the Death Star 95. Spies tell us that he is still carbon frozen. R2-D2 and C-3PO are also with him. To trick the Empire the plans are in CPO this time. We also believe that R2 may have been compromised. The Empire are believed to have installed *the latest* operating system in him.
Alert Red
Christoph Dobias
In this mission you must steal the plans of the World Devastator, Weapons that were created to tear planets apart and make new Fighters or new Weapons with the planet's resources. The Emperor is still disappointed about his loss of the first Death-Star and wants to bring the Rebellion to its knees. Mon Mothma asks Kyle Katarn to help the Rebellion on this thing.
Ambassadors, Spies and CorpSec.
Fenir Stardust
Palps has summoned me to his wrenched court at the imperial palace, on Coruscant no less. When the Corporate sector Authority placed me as an ambassadress of Cormatrie 8, I never thought I'd get the chance to hyper out of the this sector with out a burn notice. Well for now I'm aboard a Interdictor cruiser, the Pull 9. The ship We've been getting mysterious velocity factor readings from... I've Just decrypted my new orders time to do some spying...
Among The Shadows II: The Lava Planet
Oton (fish) Ribic
Kyle Katarn is hired to search the mysterious cargo of a wrecked Imperial freighter on a remote and inhospitable volcanic planet. But reaching the destination system inconspicuously with the Moldy Crow is impossible, and Katarn will first need to head to Nar Shaddaa to find a smuggler whose ship will hopefully be ignored by the dangerous Imperial patrols...
Among the Shadows: Fortress Quadrigon
Oton (fish) Ribic
A recent level, but without a doubt, this one is an instant winner. For starters, the story behind it is worth reading. The design is wonderful, some of the best I've seen. It's practically brimming with new features, and this level has one of the best endings, period. Throw in detailed lighting, a realistic layout, and challenging puzzles and you will soon see why this level deserves to be ranked among the best DF levels.
Anchor Hed: Tusken Raid
Barry Brien
You are Luke Skywalker, farm boy on Tatooine. You have just received a distress call from your friend Windy, who is trapped in the village of Anchor Hed during a particularly bad Tusken raid. You rush to aid your friend in you T-16 Skyhopper, landing just outside the village gate, you are completely unarmed. You must save Windy!
Mike Rajotte
The Empire has just destroyed a Rebel Platform base orbiting the planting Dantooine. Many of the Rebel personnel were captured during the attack. The prisoners were shipped off to the planet ARCADIA. The Empire uses this planet as a prison facility. Just a few days later, a Imperial shuttle was detected leaving the planet, it is believed that the Empire is using these prisoners as some kind of experiment to developed a new kind of weapon. It is most likely that the prisoners were on that shuttle. But in order for us to save the prisoners, we need to find were that shuttle is heading. You are to infiltrate the Imperial Prison and find some kin of navigation data. Then you are to return to the landing zone. We will be flying A-Wings for this mission, because we will need there speed to get out of the planet & return to the Alliance fleet. So Blue Squadron has agreed to let us use 2 of there A-Wings for this mission...
Archon Raider
John Johnson
Commander, the Rebel Alliance recently intercepted several sensitive Imperial transmisions. We are afraid most of this information has already been passed on to the Rebel High Command. It is no longer possible to prevent them from using the data, however the Emperor believes we might still obtain a copy of the data hidden in a relatively small rebel base on the moon Archon. Don't let the size of the base fool you, it is well protected. Your mission officer will fill you in further when you reach the moon. Beta team will provide cover for your escape. Our mission is primarily damage assessment now. Recover the hidden data tape and meet up with Beta team outside the base.
Aris Paterakis
A passing Rebel ship has detected something on an old, long-deserted base on planet Ardron. Two X-Wings were sent to investigate but they never came back.
Assassinate Darth Vader
Jereth Kok
A level set inside a Victory Star Destroyer where you must find and assassinate Darth Vader before planting a sequencer charge, then escape.
Assassination on Nar Shaddaa - Boba Fett Episode I
Barry Brien
It's a massive level, with some of the most consistently detailed and complex architecture ever attempted in a DF level. The new weapon kicks ass, and the many new custom components look fabulous. It poses a huge challenge too, mainly because of the ingenious shop system: you don't find items lying around, but you have to buy them. This forces you to be careful about what you buy, as once you go beyond certain areas you won't have access to the shops for some time. It's huge, detailed, and in many ways revolutionary. Effects that were huge in other levels have been used as minor details (like the ladder). This deserves to be in the HoF, if only for the obvious care for detail that has gone into it.
Assault Fortress Dantooine
David Ralph,David Lovejoy
Some time ago Fortress Dantooine had to be evacuated after a crushing Imperial attack. Fortunately we got most of the people out. How ever we had to leave behind some things that were too valuable to take out at the time. The empire has built a new facility next to the ruins of the fortress. Some rebel spies still hiding out at the ruins have located the data for the newest Battle Moon the empire is planning to construct. Smaller than a Death Star but non the less deadly to have on the loose. Although this Battle Moon has no super laser like a Death Star. It is protected by a powerful computer network which controls all aspects of defense, both externally and internally. We need to analyze the data to find a way to breach the computer security.
Assault on Dantooine
Alex Conrad
Alliance Intelligence agents have found evidence of Imperial activity on the Dantooine, a remote planet far from the centers of civilization. This outpost was previously thought deserted by the Imperials after Palpatine died. Deeper intelligence survellance scans reveal that the master bounty hunter himself, Boba Fett is personally overseeing this operation for Warlord Zinj. You will be inserted on the world on an unmarked Correllian stock freighter YT-1300, posing as a cargo deliverer. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to find out what is going on down there and destroy the outpost by planting a sequencer charge that will detonate after you have left the planet. Annihilate any Imperial resistance. Good luck, Kyle Katarn, and may the force be with you!
Eric Pauker
We have just discovered an asteroid entering the Korrar system. Normally this would not be of any concern to us, but our probes have recorded Imperial supply ships and TIE fighters near the asteroid and some man-made structures on the surface.
I have arranged for one of our operatives to smuggle you aboard a small cargo ship that delivers supplies to the asteroid. You will be hidden in the cargo hold until the ship docks. We do know there is a large fuel dump somewhere on the asteroid. Destroying the dump should help create enough confusion to help us with our surprise attack. Good luck Kyle
Back to Yavin
Peter Klassen
After the Battle of Yavin, the Rebels have been driven away from their base and pursued across the galaxy. The fleet has been split and a part of the Rebels built a new base on the ice planet Hoth. However, during the evacuation General Jan Dodonna has constructed a data tape containing the space charts of all the future Rebel Fleet locations. Every main ship commander got only his own destination coordinates. There has been only one copy made for the assistant of Dodonna, Whix Gardine. But Whix has been missed the last possibility of escape and has been seized by the Imperial Forces. However, he managed to hide the tape somewhere on the base. As the Empire seems to build an own base on Yavin, the Alliance cannot afford the possibility of discovery of the tape to exist. As they also cannot afford to draw attention, they hire Kyle Katarn, a mercenary who helped to get the technical readouts of the Death Star.
John Johnson
Lieutenant Commander Brit Dannon has just been given a new assignment on the Moonbase, a relatively insignificant Republic Supply and Transfer Station some distance from the Imperial Border. The station itself holds little tactical advantage, and is not considered a primary target fot Imperial attack. It is staffed by about 300 personnel and droids at all times. The station is well known to anyone who cares to know of it, though most Republic personnel still know little of its existance beyond their own personal contact with the facility. Rumors abound that the Empire has some interest in the base, but you can't help but wonder what interest would the Moonbase have for anyone. The answers lie ahead.
Beyond Glory
Kevin Buscemi
Kyle Katarn must aid in the destruction of yet another Imperial super-weapon. The madman who designed it, however, has no intention of letting his prized creation be eliminated.
Beyond Glory 2: In Dying Light
Kevin Buscemi
The assault on the SunKiller platform was a complete success. Minutes after you lowered the energy shield, Alliance fighters moved in, damaging the platform beyond repair. The Emperor, needless to say, was not pleased. He summoned Senj Thirtrae who survived the attack despite substantial damage to the Lentii base) to Imperial City for a face-to-face meeting. Rebel spies have determined that after a mild scolding for his funneling of resources, Thirtrae was reassigned to a new post: a high-security construction facility. They are going to rebuild the SunKiller, and destroying a second one will not be nearly as easy as the first. Now Katarn must take part in a complex operation at Thirtrae's mercenary-guarded estate; the ultimate goal being the elimination of the madman himself.
Boba Fett's Revenge
Randy Greene
Kyle is ambushed by Boba Fett and is captured by Magra, a local Hutt crime lord. Kyle must escape from his imprisonment by the Hutts and take down Boba Fett.
Boba Fett Gone Mental
Matthew Horrocks
You have been sent on a dangerous mission to kill Boba Fett. The name is the only information they have about him.
Boba Fett Storage Facility
David Arandle
As R2D2 begins a desperate mission to find Obi-wan Jan Oars receives word on Tattooine that the Imperial forces have been instructed to locate the droid. The Rebel Alliance, unsure of the droids location, can only hope that it finds Obi-wan. Jan is ordered to monitor the Imperials progress and attempt to recover the R2 unit should the Empire retrieve it. Unfortunately her cover is blown by the ever alert Boba Fett who ambushes her during a routine survailance operation. Not one to miss out on an oportunity to earn some credit, Fett transports Jan back to his storage facility in the remote canyons of Tattooine, where he contacts the Empire to negotiate a bounty..
Bounty on Solo
Jacob Lachance
Boba Fett was about to hand Solo over to Jabba but instead demanded more money. Jabba was enraged by this and instead hired Kyle Katarn get Solo back. Kyle is suspicious of Jabba, because the worm's already tried to kill kyle twice(On-board Jabba's ship and Ord Mantell)
CargoBay 5
Jason Muhs
Bad News, Kyle. Remeber that CargoBay we loacted in the Barra galaxy around 1 month ago? Well, we sent in X-wing scouts to gather some info. about the base. We found out that the CargoBay is being used for illegal weapon and Dark Trooper importing and exporting. When Madine went back to the base to get us more information, he was captured. Right now, he is said to be held in the Detention facility somewhere in the caves around the base. Your mission: Get to Madine at ALL costs. He is said to be awaiting execution. We cannot stress enough the importance of bringing back Madine alive.
Andy Stubbs
Kyle You are being sent to rescue rebel prisoners that have been captured by the empire. The base that the prisoners have been sent to is one that we are unfamiliar with. You will not have proper maps for this prison.
Clone Tank Storage Facility 1.0
Glenn Edmiston
It is after the destruction of the Arc Hammer. The Alliance has learned of a secret supply base where cloning tanks, left over from the Clone Wars, still exist (i.e., Zahn novels). However the Empire is aware that the Rebels have discovered its location. The Imperials may have already moved the tanks to another location. Your mission is to find the tanks and the blueprints to the tanks. If the tanks have not already been moved, set a charge in the main reactor, and get back to your ship and off the planet before the place goes sky high. However, don't forget the blueprints.
Cloudspear: Part I - The Ghosts of Takyr
Kevin Buscemi
Pirates from the planet Takyr have been getting more and more aggresively lately. They've already hit a number of our supply convoys and it's going to get worse with time. Some local crime boss is getting a bit too ambitious for our liking. The New Republic would love take him out, but nobody seems to know where to find him. I do have one lead, that he hides at a place called Cloudspear, but it's not going to be easy looking into it. Some of my sources are convinced that Cloudspear is somehow connected to the Othket Corporation. Othket headquarters is somewhere in the ruins of Deppen City. If Cloudspear exists, I'll find some information on it in the company record archive. The complex is crawling with pirate and mercenearies, I'd rather not stick around any longer than I have to...
Commenor Station: Cycy Loctob
Dave B.R.B.Ralph
As you know, agents of the Alliance have been very active in their search for the location of any evidence that reveals needed information regarding Imperial smuggling routes to the Arc Hammer. While we are eternally in your debt and acknowledge the risks that you took for the information you retrieved in Nar haddaa, much to our dismay, we have discovered that the NAVA CARD that you retrieved from Nar Shaddaa was part of a double set. We have been reliably informed that this second part of the set was removed from Nar Shaddaa and and smuggled to Commenor Spaceport just prior to your arrival at Nar Shaddaa. ommenor Spaceport is notably a trading outpost and popular port for ships traveling the trade routes near the Corellian star system. The NAVA CARD itself was transported covertly by Cycy Loctob, one of Nar Shaddaa's alien denizens, who makes his living by selling contraband to any and all interested parties. In his case, the Imperials, having realized the threat of losing both NAVA CARDS if they remained in one location, wisely [for them] sent the second NAVA CARD via Loctob to Commenor to avoid any undesired attention. . The Imperial facility at this station is omnipresent and you can be sure that security will be tight. BTW, the residents are unfriendly as well. It has been brought to our attention by Crix Madine that General Mohc, head of development of the Imperial Dark Trooper, had been intending to inspect the facility at some ime n the near future. Since this information dates to before the time of his incarceration, we have no way of knowing whether or not this is still the case. Based on this information however, we can presuppose that some research on the Dark Trooper is being conducted at Commenor Station. He has further suggested hat he Imperials may be receiving a special metal alloy akin to Phrik from the planet Orin, a metal-rich hostile world with a violent environment in the Bespin star system on which an Imperial presence is being forcibly established. It is further believed that this metal, known as Deusanium or 'God's metal' in the Orinian ongue, may be being melted down and used as a hardening resin or coating for the Phrik metal. Remain alert for signs of this.. We would have you destroy the entire facility but this would likely result in the death of many innocent civilians and support for the Alliance would certainly be undermined. The association of the facility with the station has no doubt be established for this very reason. Jan Ors has, of course, been assigned as our avigator and cruise director...
Condition Red
Peter Klassen, Jereth Kok, Steve Miller
Released near the end of the so-called Golden Age of Dark Forces (late 1997) this level was an instant classic. Two great minds, Jereth Kok and Peter Klassen, collaborated on their final project, a slam-bang action movie version of a Dark Forces level. This level created an unrelenting pace, and so much yummy eye candy!
To my knowledge, there has never been (and probably never will be) as many VUE animations as in this level. At times you wanted to watch the battle outside, but no! The stations defenses were not going to activate themselves! The great part of all the VUEs were that they were all there to hammer it home to the player that they were in some serious, SERIOUS trouble, and that things were only getting worse. Expertly crafted cutscenes by Peter Klassen completed this thrilling project.
This level, like Mt. Kurek, set new standards in terms of just what can be achieved in the DF world. Condition Red had a lot of excellent new features like the running rebel troops, the flashing red alarm, and of course the space battle the results in a huge hold being torn in the side of the base and Kyle being sucked out into space. - Barry Brien
Ted Imboden
A level made using COOBER as the map (you'll see)
Coober Revisited
Fish (Oton Ribic)
Kyle realizes that the Coober incident was caused by the Empires spacetime distortion experiments
Correlian Detention Center: Operation Retrieve
Istvan Galambos
Your Imperial spy Crix Madine has been captured and sent to an Imperial Detention Center on a Correlian Moon. Apart from being a Detention Center many old rebel craft are also kept here. BEWARE Boba Fett makes many stops at this Prison.
Coruscant - The Imperial Capital
Ryan Bickhart
The Empire is spreading its vast fleet throughout the galaxy in an effort to locate and destroy the Rebel Alliance. Several Imperial task forces have come dangerously close to locating the main strongholds of the Rebellion. The only hope to aviod destruction unitl new alliances can be forged is to obtain the Imperial Fleet deployment plans. These encoded plans are located in the Imperial Military headquarters Building in Coruscant City. Unfortunately, the Emperor has little trust in his conventional military leaders. Only the I.S.O, the Imperial Security Agency that is personally loyal to Palpatine has the decoding equipment necessary to view the plans.
You, Kyle Katarn, will be dropped off on the edge of the city. Work your way through the Imperial-infested capital to the Military Headquarters building and steal the NAVA CARD with the encoded plans. Continue to the I.S.O BUILDING-a virtual fortress. Breach the security rings and get to the top of the tower where the decoding equipment is located.Decode the NAVA CARD onto a magnetic DATATAPE and get the tape and yourself to the base of the tower for pickup by Jan.
Critak Moon: The Imperial Outpost
Llyren Adwyr
Immediately before his capture and transportation to Orinackra, Crix Madine inscribed information to a computer card. The data contained technical statistics about the Dark Troopers' weapons and attack strategies. This information is vital to the Alliance, because it shows the weaknesses and strengths of the Dark Troopers and will help our fighters immensely in first-person combat with these machines. You retrieved the card from Madine at a secret meeting. However, the Imperials, suspicious of the secretive activities of Madine, raided the remote base where you met with Madine. While he was taken to the high-security Detention Center on the planet Orinackra, you and Jan were taken to the Imperial Outpost on Critak Moon, in the Delari System. This remote moon is controlled by the outpost, which, while not high security, is a powerful computing station. Your objectives are as follows: Once you break out of your cell, using a mine that your dead cell guard has so thought- fully provided, you must take the card from the decoding lab before it is hacked, for its use would be lost if the Imperials find out how much we know about the Dark Trooper. Then you must rescue Jan from her cell, after finding the controls to shut off the power cell door locks. Finally you must get to the hangar, where your ship awaits for your escape. Good luck, and may the Force be with you.
DF96: The Ties That Bind
Jason Burton, Rick Schmidt, Rich Snodgrass, Jason Terhune
A six level continuing mission. DF96: The Ties That Bind starts Kyle Katarn, being in semi-retirement, hanging out on Ord Mantell. His wife and son, Jan and Dack, are on Hoth helping the Republic set up a mining colony for Talisite. Talisite is widely known for its industrial uses. Little do Kyle and Jan know that a new leader has been established in the core worlds. This leader is in search of the Talisite to use on the new World Devastators and also in search of something else on Hoth. The Empire sends out troops to keep Kyle occupied while they attack Hoth.
Daedalus Platform
Philip Morton
Steal the attack plans of the Emperor's Hammer to ascertain what kind of threat they are.
Danger Room
Mike Neugebauer
The Danger Room is a custom level set in the Marvel Universe. You play the X-Man Cable, armed to the hilt and honing his skills in the X-Men's renowned 'Danger Room'
This is a revision of the Secret Base on Danuta for Dark Forces. I tried to add some extra stuff to find, although the actual level layout is not changed for the most part. I mostly added things to the secret areas, but other changes were made also. Oh well, have fun.
Dark Forces Doom
This is a Doom Episode 1 M1 but it has enemies.
Dark Prelude
Randy Greene
This mission takes place at the end of Kyles imperial days. The main objective is to rescue Jan Ors from an Imperial Detention Center.
Dark Retaliation
Donny Versiga
Bothan Spy leader to anyone out there: This is the Corellian Corvette 'Star Grazer' carrying a group Bothan Spies deployed by the Alliance.
We are in need of help. During our spy mission to Endor, the Star Destroyer Devastator has used a tractor beam to pull us in. The initial attack killed several of our spies on board. We are in need of help! The Empire is planning to construct a new weapon that will destroy the Alliance! Please help! Stormtroopers are flocking into our ship! Help..........
Dark Siege
This giant GOB contains all my Dark Siege levels put together, plus newly recorded music for each level composed by myself, and a new loading screen! Enjoy!
Dark Tide : Episode I - Wasteland Survivor
Patrick Haslow,Matt Hallaron
It is a time of great peril for Luke Skywalker. As he travels to Tatooine to rescue Han Solo, the Rebellion learns of a mysterious plot against him. In an effort to save Luke from the danger that awaits him, Princess Leia has dispatched the mercenary Kyle Katarn on an urgent mission of warning. Katarn and his mission officer Jan Ors have arrived in the Tatooine star system only to find themselves ensnared in a vicious space battle against Imperial forces from which there is little hope of escape....
Dark Tide: Episode II - Nightfall
Patrick Haslow,Matt Hallaron
The Dark Tide is an intended pentalogy of five episodes. In Episode I, Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors crash landed in the Jundland Wastelands of Taooine. While Kyle was rescued by Dash Rendar, Jan was ambushed and captured by the Empire. The second episode begins with Kyle Katarn rushing to the aid his friend. With his trusty bryar pistol and the Mark IV Goob Gun, Kyle must penetrate Tatooine's Imperial Garrison, and face a wily and corrupt officer.
Dark Tide: Episode III - Eye of the Empire
Patrick Haslow,Matt Hallaron
After attempting to free his partner Jan Ors from the wily and corrupt Prefect Talmont, Kyle Katarn was captured by the Imperial forces of the Tatooine Garrison. Katarn discovered that the sinister Prince Xizor had nearly complete control over the garrison, but his motives for capturing Jan remain a mystery. Being held captive on board the Imperial Shuttle Phormaishue, Katarn's plans to liberate his friend face a grim ending....
Dark Tide: Episode IV - Empire
Barry Brien,Matt Hallaron,Patrick Haslow
It is a time of great danger for Kyle Katarn. Having just escaped the INVISOR he makes his way into the heart of the Empire. His friend and co-pilot Jan Ors has been taken to a secret location somewhere in the Imperial Capitol. In order to find her Kyle must evade the legions of imperial forces and locate the shady information dealer TELL TRESSING. But little does Kyle know that another, more sinister element is about to make it's presence felt...
Dark Trooper Central
Matthew Horrocks
Your ship has crashed and you have landed on the Darktrooper's fun center. Find the leader, Darth Vader and kill him!
Dark Trooper Search
Patrick Mulnix
Recently, Kyle undertook a mission to the planet Tatooine. While there, he ran into a bounty hunter in a Dark Trooper suit. Though he managed to defeat him and complete his mission, Kyle was left deeply troubled about the DT very existance. He believed he had destroyed all of the monstrosities before, but now here one was, in the hands of a bounty hunter no less! Determined to find out where it came from he lands about Murdock station, a space station renown throughout the galaxy as a hotbed for rumors and informants. While there, he picks up a hot tip that a certain Corellian Corvette may contain a certain robotic cargo. With this information, he sets out to get into that ship and find out what the heck is going on.
Dark Trooper Showdown
Mr. Terhune
Survive fighting the Dark Trooper!
Death Star Memorial
Chris Smith
The plans for the Third Death Star have been completed. They have been duplicated and delegated to three Imperial Officers to Guard. Rumor is one of the Officers keeps it at the Death Star Memorial Factory(Remembering the Original Death Star;). Find those plans!
Death Star Plans
Doug Vadar
You are Kyle Katarn, You are about to steal the 2nd set of plans of the Death Star. You have heard rumors that Boba Fett and a couple of Dark Troopers are at the small base. Also beware that the Imperials at this base are fond of Kell Dragons. May the Force be with you.
Defection of Bez Kuahn
Hey, Kyle. We've got an interesting mission for us today.
You've probably heard of the planet Alphia Cresh, or mainly, the Imperial prison stationed there. Well, today, you are going to make the first ever escape occur, with the help of the warden.
We've been contacted by the officer in charge of the prison, a man named Bez Kuahn. He had been a prominent battlefield commander, until an injury forced him off the front lines. During his active service, however, he came to loathe the constant butchery he was called upon to orchestrate. Or so he says.
Now, normally, when we hear of an Imperial wishing to join our ranks, it's a fairly simple operation. Except Bez wants to be 'kidnapped.'Normally, command would not act on his desires - he's not anything special, and he could have walked away a long time ago. As well, they suspect this might be some sort of elaborate spy plant. So, Bez offered them what we could never hope to achieve: new life for one of our captured spies.
Five days ago, contact was lost with our spy, code-named Deci. Well, he was transferred to the Alphia Cresh facility. Bez has promised us a shot at breaking him out, in return for kidnapping him. Command doesn't want to lose this shot, so you're going in, Kyle.
The facility itself in nestled in some rolling cliffs. Terrain might be a bit difficult to navigate at times, but you should be able to make it. Also of note, that construction work has begun close by the base, this might be helpful in leading to the landing zone.
After hiding the Crow in the south, I'll take us through the tunnel system in the north to a clearing. I'll meet you at the Crow when you're done.
Desalinization Plant
T. Stallings
It is well-known that Imperial environmental policy leaves a lot to be desired. Nowhere is this more evident than on the supply moons of Coruscant. A hit on the desalinization plant there will not only cripple Imperial toilets for a (too brief) period, but it will also strike a blow for environmental protection, a strong recruitment tool. The plant is well-guarded, but there are alternatives to fighting
Design Center
The Design Center is hiding the Blueprints to all the levels ever created in Dark Forces. Your mission is to get through the base, destroy the enemies in each room, then collect the Blueprints..
Destroy Imperial Supply Depot
Karl Felgate
Kyle must infiltrate an imperial supply depot and set a sequencer charge to blow the whole facility up.
Discovery at Ironfort
Kevin Buscemi
Ironfort, an aging mining colony in a backwater star system, has never been of much strategic interest to either the Empire nor the Rebel Alliance. Circumstances have changed, however. Deep beneath the surface, an ancient, and technologically advanced, alien installation has been discovered intact. In more peaceful times, this find would be considered priceless for its historical value. Sadly, this is a time for war, not archeology.
Upon hearing of the discovery, Imperial forces have taken control of Ironfort and, more importantly, the mines in which the structure is located. So far, they have been unable to gain access to the installation's lower level due to an usually powerful containment field. It is unknown what treasures or weaponry are stored within, but the Alliance can not afford to allow anything of value to fall into Imperial hands. Your mission is to find a way past the field, discover what is held there, and destroy the building. An explosive charge planted on two plasma conversion computers will get the job done. Some important questions are waiting to be answered, though. Why would a forgotten alien race bury such a building deep underground? More intriguingly; why would they want to keepanyone from entering the lower level?
Don Sielke's Dark Forces Levels
Don Sielke
This is a collection of four maps by Don Sielke.
Operation DethStar: In retaliation the Empire has captured your ship and taken it to this hidden base for safe keeping, you must infiltrate the base to get your ship back. Your mission, find the Key that will get your ship back, and get to your ship.
Escape from SecBase II: Rebel Intel has reported the Empire is testing their new Dark Trooper Weapon in the area so be prepared.
Operation Tatooine: The infamous Boba Fett has been commissioned by the Empire to deliver data tapes to imperial commands on the outer rim. These data tapes contain vital information on empire's plans for strategic attacks on several worlds now sympathetic to the rebel cause. Before Boba Fett can deliver these command data tapes to the deployed fleet on the outer rim you must go to Tatooine and steal the plans from his personal base of operations. This base will be guarded by both mercinary and Imperial forces alike. If you fail many innocent worlds will fall to the empire and many people will die needlessly. If you run into Boba Fett himself eliminate him once and for all.
Impossible Rescue: C-3po has been captured and taken to Tatooine by Bounty hunters. You are to return to Tatooine and rescue C-3PO
Anton Frost
The newborn Alliance has just recieved word about the Death Star. Mon Mothma has contacted Wannabe Rebel Kyle Katarn, and is just about to brief him on his first mission.
Easter Attack
Ron L. Davis
Imperial Forces have learned that 'Revives' and 'Extra Lives' are the product of an obscure religious group located on a far distant primitive planet circling a G2 spectral type star in the 'Milky Way' galaxy. Until now the only source that the Imperial Army has had for 'Revives' and 'Extra Lives' was what they could steal from the Alliance or purchase from smugglers. Imperial Forces planned their attack to coincide with an ancient religious Holiday called 'Easter'. This annual celebration is the only time during the year when 'Revives' and 'Extra Lives' are produced in any quantity. The final steps of the production, which is a closely guarded secret, takes place during an obscure secret religious ceremony (the Eucharist) at a secluded monastery in the Beaujolais region of a country called France.
Ken Swope & Ron Swope
Kyle goes on a mission to destroy power plant using new source of energy..
Enter the Kell Dragon
Geoffrey Simpson
Get out of town. Fast.
Eons on Endor
The empreror has just set up a super power generating station on Endor to power the Empire's new secret weapon. Having just landed on Endor you must sneak through the forest and find the secret entrance to the complex. Once inside you must plant a sequencer charge and disable the main reactor core. It is crucial you survive, the Alliance is counting on you. It has been rumored that you may have to exit through a large mining complex underground. Good Luck! Enjoy the Level!
Escape from Hoth
Richard Gold,Carl Kenner
The Rebel base on the planet Hoth has been attacked by Imperial Forces. All Rebel forces have been evacuated......with the exception of Marcus Alliance (code name: Oury), High Commander of the Corellian Sector, who stayed behind to ensure that everyone else escaped safely. It is imperative that he be brought back safely.
Escape from Mos Eisley
Richard Snodgrass
As Han Solo, you are relaxing in the Red Moon Saloon in Mos Eisley Spaceport on Tatooine. The bounty has been raised on your head. Imperial troops and bounty hunters have cornered you. You must fight your way to the Falcon in Docking Bay 94 to ESCAPE FROM MOS EISLEY!
Escape from the X-Mansion
Patrick Mulnix
It is night You wake up suddenly to hear the sound of a laser battle somewhere in the rebel base where you and Jan are spending the night. You reach under your pillow for the Pistol you always keep there. The sounds of blaster fire cease, and you fear the worse. Imperials must have invaded the base!
Mirko Weisse, Felix Hertz
Transmission from the FSL Control Center: Find the Plans the New Empire Base! Backround: The New Empire has a new Secret Base on the edge of the Galaxy constructed. We assume further underground facilities, those from the Plans should emerge.
Farlanders First Mission
John Johnson
Join Keyan Farlander the hero of the original game X-wing, by Lucas Arts as he engages the Empire on his first mission. Search the Imperial Corvette Talon with Rebel Commandos from Storm Unit as your droid disables the ships defenses, and participate in the fight while searching for Imperial Data Tapes.
Michael Conner
A TIGHTLY SECURED Imperial base lies in the center of the trade port city Faust. Once housed in this base were valuable data tapes detailing future directions of Imperial tactics and weaponry. If recovered, these tapes could have proved a small victory for the Rebellion, and save many lives. The data tapes were recently stolen from the Empire by an undercover rebel operative. Unfortunately, he was soon discovered by the Empire, but not before he managed to hide the tapes somewhere in the base. His whereabouts are currently unknown, meanwhile the Empire scours the base for the tapes. Our only information is that the tapes seem to have been hidden in a part of the base undergoing construction/expansion.
Your mission is to negotiate safe passage through the filth-ridden city, infiltrate the gaurdedbarrier wall of the Imperial base, and recover the data tapes. Beware of bounty hunters in the city; watch yourself once in the base. You're gonna have to use your head on this one.
Fest Revisited
Mark A. Haidekker
Renewed Imperial activity is reported from the planet Fest, the location of the old weapons research facility. Your mission is to enter the facility to find out the reason behind this. Plant a sequencer charge and return to your ship.
Fett's Land Stand
Kyle, I have bad news for you. Boba is still alive. He barely escaped from death on Sullust after you knocked him unconscious. His helmet had fallen off and he was suffocating. After escaping death, he went to his base given to him by the empire for his help. It is on the planet Blu. He stayed there for a few weeks and then got a plan. In a last effort of retaliation against you, for he knew you'd come, he kidnapped Crix Madine right before Crix gave The Tantive V a clearance card that would allow us to enter any imperial base. I want you to go into the base and save Crix, Kill Fett and get the clearance card. Good Luck. I believe this will be Fett's Last Stand.
Flight Home
Jason Chase
Kyle Katarn has been captured by the Empire while en route to Sullust, his home planet(moon). He has received information that the Empire is going to destroy a small resistance on that moon, and was to warn them. It so happens that the Imperial ship that was sent to destroy the Rebels is the ship that captured you.
For Leia's Honor
Gary Console
In an effort to boost moral in the empire, imperial spies have stolen a disk containing sexy pictures of Princess Leia taken by Han Solo at the big party following the destruction of the Death Star. Apparently, the Princess had a few too many shots of Tatooine Tequila and preformed a strip tease on top of the Millenium Falcon before throwing up on R2D2 and passing out. Capt. Solo discovered the theft when he attempted to show the pictures to Chewbacca. THAT DISK MUST BE RETRIEVED!!.
Free Kelly
Dave Bushnell
The Empire maintains a secure processing facility on Kell Island, one of the few remaining natural habitats for the Kell Dragon. At this facility the Kells are slaughtered routinely. Their hides, bones, and flesh are then turned into armor, food, and other resources elemental to Imperial troop operations. The location of this facility was supplied to the Alliance by Whitestar, the conservationist group concerned about the Kell's dwindling numbers. Your mission is to sabotage the facility. But there's a catch. Whitestar supplied the information only under the condition that noKells would be harmed. Therefore you must destroy the facility without killing any Kell Dragons. If you do, the mission will be scrubbed, and you will be stranded on the island. The main entrances to the island are under heavy guard, so you will be dropped off on a small loading dock. You will need to plant seqencer charges in three key areas, and then return to the loading dock before they detonate. Again: DO NOT KILL ANY KELL DRAGONS. May the Force be with you.
Frogman Modified
Michael Llenos,Ales Ptacek
At the age of 18, trying to follow in your brothers footsteps, you sign up in the Imperial Navy. Though you signed up for the Infantry your incredible swimming ability was noticed by your superiors and they prompted you to sign on for elite frogman training. After a year of grueling training you find out that your brother Kyle has defected to the Rebel Alliance. Always wanting to be under the same command as your brother you defect also and enlist into the rebel navy frogman military occupation specialties and you are assigned all of the dangerous covert operations by yourself! Now assigned to the R.A.S. Default, you get a message that an Imperial Shuttle has just landed on the far side trolling. Waiting for the word to proceed you fall asleep in the torpedo room dreaming of meeting your brother again and of showing him what a good soldier you've become...
Future Present
Rick Horack
You are sent to the fourth moon of Yavin to see what the Empire is doing there. Collect a sample of what they find so important. You'll be droped off near the entrance to one of the old massassi temples, our informants tell us that this is the safest way to approach them. There is an old mine under the temple that they are in. We think they've found some new metal that is impervious to blaster fire, at least that's what our enformants say. Be prepared for anything, and may the force be with you.
Future Present - Part 2
Rick Horack
Your mision, should you decide to except it, is to go to Coruscant to contact a slicer by the name of Gant. He says he knows the location of Tyco Daralyn, your "old friend". We have also heard that Gant may have be taken captive by the Imperials. If this is true, you must break him out! The prison force fields need to be turned off for you to enter there. Once inside, get Gant out of the detention center, and escape to the top of the prison where I'll pick you up. If you are caught or killed, the New Republic will disavow any knowledge of your actions, sell all your valuables and try on all your cloths. Have a nice day!
GLOP: Operation Nava
Roland Galloppini
The mission assigned to you is of the highest importance. Our secret service agents, deep undercover within the research sector of the Imperial forces, have informed us that an electronic component called a Nava Card has been developed and would be capable once combined with the main generator of producing a particularly destructive wave that would instantly annihilate all our internal and external communication systems. Such an event would paralyze our defense systems and reduce our chances of repulsing an attack in force by Darth Vader's troops to nothing.
Gala for the Emperor
The Imperials are having a show put on for the Emperor. Why? It's a long story, and you'll read about it in the briefing. The important part is, you have to assassinate the Emperor. Once again, details will be in the briefing.
Jesse Armagost
Skateboard are awesome!
A gallery of fascinating corrections.
Girl Eaten by Stormtroopers
Jason Nash
I used to go out with a girl just like this. In this mission you play the emperor's Ex Girlfriend
Gulag 5 - Save Jan
Randy Caba
Evil EMPIRE forces are torturing your partner, Jan, deep within prison outpost Gulag5. Jan was carrying plans vital to the rescue of captured rebel sympathizers. Find the plans, rescue Jan and steal an Empire shuttle for a fast escape.
Heart of the Matter: Underground Imperial Facility
Geoffrey Simpson
Armed with only his Bryar pistol and his wits, Katarn descends into an Imperial facility...
Hidden Enemies
Ryan Briggs
Out of suspition we had you follow someone and he led you to the planet Hoth. There you found a hidden base. For a few months now we've been searching for this imperial spy. We captured him when he returned and to our suprise he told us everything we could possibly want to know. He mentioned that some of the Empire's most important people will be gathering at the hidden base tomorrow. Your main goal is to infultrate the base and get inside the power generator. Once inside the power generator find the main room. There should be four switches inside the main room. Flipping all of them will cause a meltdown and eventually the power generator will blow up taking the base with it. Your second goal is to find a new Stormtrooper, the Darktrooper, and destroy it. Then you need to find a way back to the Moldy Crow. While your doing all of this, you might run into all those important people. If you do, one of them will be carrying a data tape. Get it from him/her. It holds information on the DarkTrooper and may help us to find a weakness in their armor, if the Empire decides to make more.
Hit N Run
A spiral Imperial base. Smugglers are fighting them, and have been driven to the heart of the base, where you are.
Mike A. Neugebauer
The Dark Empire, in their pompous fashion, has forged a base inside an asteroid close to our Rebel army base. Although this base was primarily built as an intelligence operation, it is not without its own defenses. The base contains radioactive asteroid to bits, if it were not for bombs, which prevent us from blowing the base to bits above our heads. We need you, Kyle, to infiltrate the base and exterminate the inhabitants. You must also deactivate the fourteen radioactive bombs which are dispersed throughout the six story base. The bombs are sealed inside walls and can be disarmed by flipping the adjoining switches on those walls. After disarming the bombs, you must obtain access to the Main Assembly Area. The Main Assembly Area has a switch that will let you access a side entrance to the asteroid. We will be waiting for you at the side entrance. Good luck, Kyle.
Ice World
Tim Smulders
The location of the Emperor's Spynet headquarters has been found! A small, well protected base on the ice world Tunoteee houses the heart of the network. The Alliance Will attack! The goal is to completely destroy the base. The air and surface attack will commence immediately! The base is protected by a powerful deflector shield. We need this shield down! The shield as well as the base are powered by thermal energy locked deep under the ice and rock. If you can place a sequencer charge in the main control room power relay, the explosion will trigger a chain reaction and blow up the turbines, taking the shield and part of the base with them.
Icky Not-Real-Level Funtime
Tom Resnick
DISCLAIMER: Please don't think this level is supposed to be serious; it was originally just a testing ground for other components-n- stuff. **Can you find the secret room???*
Imation: All Over Again
Well the reason you are back is because you grabbed the wrong data tape, the empire has also moved the data tape to a new location, there are new rooms and more traps.
Imation: The First Horizon
The Empire has recorded information on A new top secret base they are planing to build. They are planing to use the base to build top secret weapons and technology to help them disable the REBELLION!!!
Imperial Academy
Agustin Leon
One year after Kyle destroyed the Arc Hammer, the Rebel Alliance gets a report that one of the facilities of the Imperial Academy is being left relatively unprotected. Since this place happens to be where Kyle was trained, he decides to destroy the facility without consulting with the Rebel High Command. Ignoring Jan's warnings that this is an obvious trap for the Rebellion's new agent, Kyle prepares to enter the complex without the notion that the trap is set...
Imperial Base: Hoth
Benjamin J Hike
Ok, Kyle this one's not so tough. I think you deserve a break and a chance to put your feet up.For some time now, we have been tracking Smuggler AND Imperial craft going in and out of the recently abandoned planet Hoth. These are mostly freighters and stock-light cruisers. We're getting a little suspicious about this, and are toying about the idea of a possible weapons trade between these two. This is REALLY important. If these Imperials are obtaining new weapons, we could be in big trouble. We've supplied you with a older Imperial clearence code, and a cargo of energy packs, to pass yourself off as a smuggler. They won't be fooled for long, so MOVE it once you land.
Imperial Destroyer
Eric Pauker
The Death Star plans are being transported to the Emperor by an Imperial Destroyer. You must steal the plans and get back to your ship with them.
Imperial Dungeon Ship
Anton Frost
It was a routine mission: pick up a defecting Imperial who (of course) had got his hands on some Imp secret Goodies. For some reason, things didn't go well, Imperials found out about the operation, confiscated your ship and detained you, the spy and your partners while you were standing in the landing area looking confused. You were all thrown aboard a real antique: an old Imperial Dungeon Ship, dating back to the clone wars! Fortunately, you were able to shove your Bryar into your boot, and the stoopid Imps did of course not find it. Another thing the Imps didn't know was that you're an expert on hotrodding ancient elektronic locks...
Imperial Fortress
John Sekeres
On his way to a secret Rebel installation, Crix Madine, carrying top secret data tapes is captured by a surprise Imperial attack. He is taken to a remote Imperial fortress, where he awaits execution and the tapes await transportation to the emperor himself.
Imperial Library
Gadrs, Maverick
You have been selected to raid an Imperial Library for information
Imperial Prison Island
Mattias Welander
It's a dark time for the Rebel Alliance. While still fighting the Dark Troopers, the Alliance learns of a new threat: the TIE Phantom - a starfighter with a working cloaking device. A mission to destroy the TIE Phantom factory is planned, but words are leaking out and a smuggler escapes with vital information about the operation. Unfortunately, the Empire captures the smuggler, and he is held deep into an imperial prison on the planet Taheem. The only way to stop the Empire from interrogating him is to kill him - inside the prison. The Dark Troopers will have to wait. Kyle Katarn will temporary abandond his mission and travel to the planet Taheem...
Imperial Recreation Center
Ron & Ken Swope
The Empire has a very plush Recreation Center located on the planet ATOZ. The Center also is the home of a Research Facility and a District Office. Rebel Intelligence has discovered that Emperor is planning a visit to the center to observe a working model of the latest Death Star prototype. Your mission is to destroy the Death Star model and steal the Navigation codes the Emperor's shuttle will use to leave the planet after his visit.
Imperial Residence
Agustin Leon
You were working late at night on your very own level of Dark Forces. Suddenly, after setting some flags on the starting sector to values that have never been documented, you are blinded by an intense light. When you recover your senses, you find yourself in your room again. Wait... your computer is on the desk, but this is not your room... This is not even your house! The Jedi Engine has sucked you into the game of Dark Forces where your home has become an Imperial Residence! You know what to do... You remember your dog barking on the garden, and you shiver only imagining the interpretation the game has assigned to it...
Imperial Secret Base
Mike Rajotte
The Empire has just caputred Admiral Ackbar. The Imperials are transporting him off on shuttle to meet the Executor. The Executor will then escort this important prisoner to an Imperial prison planet. You are to infiltrate a Imperial base on Sullust and find the data tapes contaning the destination of the shuttle. Once you find the data tapes, you then must escape off the planet and return to the Rebel fleet by stealing an Imperial shuttle.
Imperial Space Dock
Glenn Edmiston
Jan has been captured and is being held on an Imperial Space Dock. [See Briefing]
Imperial Station B-24
After a covert mission Kyle and Jan find themselves caught in an Imperial tractor beam and drawn into station B-24 for a routine security search.
Imperial Subway
Daniel Welander
Palps has summoned me to his wrenched court at the imperial palace, on Coruscant no less. When the Corporate sector Authority placed me as an ambassadress of Cormatrie 8, I never thought I'd get the chance to hyper out of the this sector with out a burn notice. Well for now I'm aboard a Interdictor cruiser, the Pull 9. The ship We've been getting mysterious velocity factor readings from... I've Just decrypted my new orders time to do some spying...
Infiltrate Laboratory
Len, Sam and Jessica Bowers
OK, wake up Kyle, its time for the drop. As you know, this is a night time insertion to one of the Imperial research facilties. Your task is to infiltrate the laboratory and retrieve a sample of the Phrik metal being used in new weapon construction. A small collection of resources will be left with you at the drop site. We have no idea where in the complex the phrik metal will be located. Scanning by spy probes indicate energy readings in a disused part of the facility to the SE. You should expect the place to be locked up tighter than Princess Leia's bedroom. There will definitely be plenty of traps, and there is no guarantee you'll make it back. I think the Imperial's will be getting wise to your use of their ventilation systems, so do be careful. It's night time, So there should be few people about. Try not to stir things up by shooting at everything that moves. There's no real need to push every button you see either. Oh, and Kyle, don't come back with loads of Imperial junk like usual. There's no need to pick up everything, just the Phrik metal, eh?
David Lovejoy
You are tasked with infiltrating the Imperial base located in the Cluster Worlds at quadrant 3b-4,500.034. Not much in the way of intelligence information is known, you will be pretty well much on your own, The only thing we can tell you is you will have to blow the main elevator couplings to gain access to the main elevator. Steal what ever you can and return to your ship. Good Luck and MTFBWY
Jason Muhs
In the middle of a barren planet know as Ancestor 10, an Imperial devolpment went on unnoticed to the Rebel Alliance. The Imperial Army, with close help from an unknown Smuggler source was able to keep the base building under wraps for over 3 years.
Island Invasion
Andy Stubbs
Your mission is to invade the imperial training facility for elite storm troopers and imperial commandos on a small island on a small planet
Jabba's Ship: The Smily Debacle
Adam Shane
The Empire had contacted the loathsome Jabba the Hutt to help smuggle the Phrik metal thay used in the Smily Faces, their new secret weapon. Jabba helped them as well by lending the Empire the services of two of his best men, the helmeted bounty hunter Boba Fett and another hunter, the scaly Bossk. These two have been on your trail for some time; it's lucky you haven't run into them yet. NOTE: YOU MUST USE CHEATS TO EXPLORE MAP
Jabba's Ship Revenge
Commander Krud
During an attempt to bring Jabba the Hutt to justice, Jan, all your gear, and the Nava Card from your ship were captured. Now it's up to you to get your gear back, find the Nava Card and Rescue Jan. Be prepared for anything. Jabba is aware of your abilities and will be expecting a rescue attempt.
Jawa Sandcrawler
C3PO has been kidnapped by Jawas! The droid carries valuable information for the Rebels. You have managed to get inside the crawler believed to be carrying C3PO. Now you must search the vessel and rescue the precious droid. The Rebels can't do without him!
Jedi Crystal: The Discovery
James Milne
I'm not sure if you're aware of the legend of the Jedi Crystal, but there are rumors going around that it exists. The Jedi Crystal grants any user holding the crystal powers of a jedi far beyond the power of even Darth Vader. Its history goes back even before the time of the old republic, but it has never been proven to exist. However, recently, a mining facility on the planet Terrak VI unearthed an ancient citadel containing manuscripts of what appears to be writings about the Jedi Crystal. Unfortunately, General Merrik Ingram, an imperial commander is aware of this as well. And the empire didn't waste any time putting up a mobile research facility nearby the ruins. Even as we speak, the manuscripts are being translated and encoded to the facility's central mainframe. The rate of translation and how much of it has been translated is currently unknown at this time.
David Arandle
It has been discovered that secret plans of the new EH Flagship, the SSSD Sovereign, recovered from the ship M/CRV Dana were in fact a decoy. Extensive investigation, by Intel, of M/CRV Dana's Travel Logs show that an A-wing fighter left the ship over the planet Tatooine. We are confident that this ship was carrying the real plans. Your platoon has been assigned to recover the plans from the A-wing.
Jungles of Caldoun
Mark A. Haidekker
Suddenly an alarm sounds, and red lights start flashing all over the control panel. With a gut wrenching feeling, the ship drops out of hyperspace, and before Kyle has a chance to recover, it reaches the atmosphere. He completely loses control while the Crow approaches the surface of the fourth planet at high speed. Grateful that the planet has a breathable atmosphere, Kyle decides that he'd best abandon ship. With the Crow already skimming the tops of the trees, he shoves some supplies out the door, hoping to be able to recover them later, and jumps out into a clearing. He watches the Crow disappear in a southerly direction into the jungle, where it triggers a minor earthquake upon impact. Desperately, Kyle tries to raise Jan on Sullust...
Pat Goodwin
After stealing that Data Tape from the Deathstar you land at your Base on the planet Kronos 1 soon to realize that it has been over run by the Imperials.
Kyle House
This a small novelty level with lots of stange stuff. Example: Themal tossing Boba Fett, Laser Shooting Boba Fett, JAWAS, Missle Shooting DRIOD, and a big room with lots of toughies.
Kyle meets Kaled
Troy Nathan Robeck
You made a forced landing on an unkown planet after the TARDIS lost all power. You manage to get out unharmed but fall down a cliff in the process and are knocked unconscious. You awake in a cell under the gaurd of Daleks. Your their prisoner and will be put to death when they no longer have a use for you. It would be a waste of time waiting for anyone to come to your aid, you'll have to get out on your own and get your TARDIS functioning again before they kill you.
Kyle on Spice
Jason Burton,Arthur Sharp
Kyle on Spice, for your amuement. Don't use drugs, they can kill!
The Dark Trooper Project left it's scars on Kyle, find a way to escape this Liminal Dreamscape!
Lahara Hotel
Michael Messer
Foreign diplomats sympathetic to the Rebel cause have been taken hostage at the Lahara hotel by Imperial troops. As Kyle, you are assigned to infiltrate the hotel and rescue the hostages.
Lambda Base
David Lovejoy
KYLE.. Our operatives have been unsuccesful at retriving the Death Star Plans from Imperial Secbase.We have recently learned the Plans have been moved to a new location. Lambda Base. This is said to be an even tougher base to penetrate. As time is of the essance, we require you to aquire the plans for us. Your ship the Crow has not yet completed repairs from your last encounter with the Empire.Special Operations will lend you a special AWING to get you there, but it will not have enough fuel for a return trip. You will have to abandon it for the time being. Your ship should be ready for your pickup..
Last Jedi
Derek Brooks
Kyle, this mission is fairly simple: get the Death Star plans. Good luck, Kyle, and may the Force be with you always!
M/CRV Dana
Zlatan Brankovic
On hour ago one of our probes has intercepted a distrubing message sent from the M/CRV Dana. From what intel has understood, it seems that this ship is carrying some stolen imperial plans. We believe these plans are the secret plans of the new EH Flagship, the SSSD Sovereign. It is vital that we recover these plans. Nobody must stop you!
Mega DF
This is a collection of five simple maps.
Ari G
An epic adventure in the bandit mines on planet Senim. Kyle must battle hordes of mysterious assassins and kill the bandit leader Gira who is holding the entire galaxy hostage.
Mines Redux
Fish (Oton Ribic)
My entry for the DF-21 Mines mapmaking contest
Mission: Freebird
David Vitter
We need you to steal both an un-marked Imperial Shuttle, and the authentication codes that will allow our Endor Strike team to get through the orbiting Star Destroyers, attack the force-field generator on the planets surface and disable the generator protecting the new Death Star. A civilian source tells us that we can find just such a shuttle at a nearby Imperial Special Forces base on the planet Torellia (also orbits Tana, like the planet Endor does). Our source tells us that a wall of the facilities waste/sewage system joins a wall of an interior storage closet. A detonator or a mine should get you access to the facility. From here, locate first the access code-card, and then the shuttle launch bay and return here with the ship. Jan will fly in low and drop you in a holding pond in the sewers. Our original source left some weapons hidden in the sewers. Sadly, the source hasn't been heard from in two weeks, and the weapon caches might be compromised... so be carefull! We believe the facility is fully manned and in a high state of alert and planning to attack our forces in the near future.
Mission Impossible: Operation Suicide
Ales Ptacek
Good morning, Unknown Rebel!
This is your mission, should you choose to accept it. Should you or any member of your Rebel Mission Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will deny all knowledge of your actions. Mon Mothma will be your appointment, as usual. Good luck, Rebel! Your Mission:
Soon after the fall of Coruscant, Imperial Admiral Kraken, in charge of the Imperial Central Datastore, escaped to the Outer Rim and settled down on a planetoid. He escaped with vital data about the production of Dark Troopers Phase 1. Word came that he is producing them and updating them with weapons. Many Bothans died to bring us this information (it's a shame that Borsk Fey'lya wasn't with them). The installation is heavily guarded, and information came that he is summoning bounty hunters. Bossk, Jodo Kast, Boba Fett, IG-88, and other mercenaries are present. Beware! The Admiral enjoys setting lots of traps and nasty surprises! This is a mission with no return!
More Heat Than Light - Pirate Raid
Geoffrey Simpson
Eliminate the leaders of a ruthless pirate gang.
Mt. Kurek
Jeff Walters
Mt. Kurek was the great divide in DF editing. There was before Kurek, and after Kurek. Kurek was the death of the common level. People couldn't get by with just throwing together an 'infiltrate and destroy/rescue/capture' level anymore. Every level needed something special to get noticed. Kurek raised the bar. - Void ZoSo
Mynok Commando Base
Douglas E. Haynes
Retrieve the Spectra System Map plans
David Banz, Gregor Banz, Markus Banz
Place: an imperial tech base that is suspected to do research on the classified "Dark Trooper"-project. Gather any evidence you can find, and of course...stay alive! Extreme caution is advised as some of the "Dark Trooper"-prototypes may already be operational. (Not to mention other unpleasant surprises waiting for you...)
Octagone 8
James McMahon
Enter the Octagone and steal the death star plans!
Omega Red
Jacob Lachance
Thomas Gant of Rogue Squadron has been selected to preform the task of infiltrating and discovering what the Omega Red base is up to. If the research being held there poses a threat, then destroy the base. Good Luck!
Omega Red: The Return
Jacob Lachance
Thomas Gant runs to the escape elevator holding onto the new imperial weapon. He reaches the top, and deals with two storm troopers. Suddenly, Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors come down in their ship, the Moldy Crow. The three rebels head towards the atmosphere, but before they escape, the Omega Red activates the only functional AA guns. The laser cannons force Jan to make a landing in one of the surrounding canyons. Thomas Gant prepares to head out, and bring down the AA guns....
Operation: Borea
Joseph 'Roh' Freistuhler
This mission takes place after the the movie trilogy in the time span covered in the Dark Empire comic books. The emperor has recently been defeated once again, and several different Imperial factions are fighting against each other for the right to lead the Empire. The Galorndon Cluster is an isolated region of space where a strong Imperial contingent still maintains control. The Borean system is the Empire's capital in this sector and the home of a massive shipbuilding facility. Before the Emperor's most recent demise, he commissioned the construction of a new class of Super Star Destroyers, The Sovreign Class. The Borean facility was charged with the building of the Despot, the second in the line of the new Star Destroyers.
Operation: Capture
Christoph Dobias
One of Jabba's smuggler ships is used to transport the Plans of the Deathstar to the Secbase (a trick maneuver). Your mission is it to infiltrate Jabba's ship through a cargo pod and get to your ship which was captured by Jabba. During this you must find the Plans of the Deathstar and put a tracking device on one of the ships to follow Jabba to the Secret Base..
Operation: Chemical Warfare Facility
Michael Messer
The Empire is producing nasty chemical warfare agents at a newly built facility. As Kyle, you are assigned to infiltrate the facility, locate the main power coupling, place a single sequencer charge at the base of it and get back to the ship safely.
Operation: Evasive Action
Andrew Emmons
An entire legion of my best troops await them...In 'The return of the Jedi', the Emperor was referring to a squad of Dark Troopers. They were waiting on the Death Star, ready to launch when news of trouble came from Endor. As Kyle, you are assigned to infiltrate the Death Star and eliminate the Dark Troopers before they launch and destroy whatever hope the rebellion has of defeating the Emperor.
Operation: Lasthope
Jeff Byrd
Crix and Jan went on a secret mission to contact an Imperial Spy. Unfortunately this was a trap and they were captured. They are being held hostage and want us to ttrade them for you!
Operation: Quiet Storm
Ken Swope and Ron Swope
The Alliance must stop the Empire from a major technology transfer of the Star Destroyer Thunder to a planetary system engaged in a local war.
Operation: Stealth
David Lovejoy
Talay Tak base has been attacked by a new Imperial weapon believed to be called Dark Trooper;. You are required to infiltrate the compound and bring back evidence of this new weapon. Intelligence reports are sketchy at the moment, it is known an Imperial occupation force is present, and in great strength. Another fact, most of the power is out .Looks like the Imperials havent figured out how to restart the reactors. See Engineering before you leave, They will instruct you on the restart procedure.
Operation Archangel (Multipack)
Lionel Fouillen
This multipack release contains the following missions: "Mos Eisley: The Maze" (1996), "Dungeons of Gamorra" (1997), and a demo version of "The Storming of Anterak City" (1998-2000). After defeating the Empire's Death Star and Arc Hammer, the Rebel Alliance has grown throughout the galaxy. Determined to eradicate the Rebellion, the evil Emperor has ordered the development of a powerful new weapon to rearm his troops. Little does he know that Rebel spies have located a fugitive scientist who knows the secret Imperial plans...
Operation Bespin
Andy Schott
While doing routine surveys of the Bespin system, Crix Madine noticed increased Imperial activity there. When he checked it out, he reported that the Empire found a way to use the Tibanna gas of Bespin to make a stronger armor for their Dark Troopers. After reporting this, we lost contact with Madine. I don't know what's in this installation, Kyle. This could be very dangerous. We really need to get that metal for the new Dark Trooper armor. Madine might still be alive. Find him if you can.
Operation Dark Sith
Colin Pear
Lord Vader has been robbed! The evil Jorus C'baoth has stolen Lord Vader's suit in an attempt to become the Emperor's right hand man. Lord Vader is totally vulnerable without his suit so he has put you in an TIE interceptor and asked you to retrieve it. The only way to get it back is to kill C'baoth, but beware, Jorus is ready for the attack and has been training his Dark Jedi, they await ready and are standing guard.
Operation Just Cause
Matthew E. Neuman
Infiltrate and destroy and Imperial Research Station that ibeing used to conduct Cyborg research on humans.
Operation Kyber Crystal
Timothy Smulders
A Star Wars Dark Forces Adventure
Operation Nervous Breakdown
The Empire is rumored to be storing nerve gas in Ects Base. Get in, get information, get out.
Operation NiteHawk
Commander Krud
After months of interrogation, Moff Rebus, the Imperial Weapons Specialist, has finally revealed the location of several Imperial Weapons Production Facilities. Two X-Wings from the Nitehawks Squadron were dispatched to verify the location of one of the facilities on the Planet Dalron 5. On approach to Dalron 5 the X-Wings were ambushed by a group of Pirates believed to be working for the Imperial Base Commander. One of the X-Wings managed to escape after taking out several pirate fighters, but the other X-Wing sustained engine damage and was forced to land on the Planet's surface. The Pilot was executed after an unsuccessful attempt to elude capture. (He left his com-link on and the entire ordeal was recorded).
Operation Red Fox
John Teske
A spaceport-type setting, not too difficult, although there are some puzzles which must be solved to complete the game.
Operation Tailhook
Roger Ward
The Empire has captured a rebel base that the rebels hold in high regard so i will not be attacked and taken it over stealing various rebel ships including X-Wings, A-Wings and a T-16 Skyhoper that they could use for covert actions against the rebels. Also on the base are secret plans to the death star
Operation Wisc
A small while after the destruction of The Arc Hammer, a rumor is spread that the imperials have made a new weapon code named :WISC (Wolf In Sheep's Clothing). It is supposedly an Imperial Shuttle with the fire power of ten Star Destroyers. Kyle had been hired to go into the base where it is being kept, kill all in the base, secure WISC and get the data tapes with vital information on them about WISC. This base is a test area so expect to see frozen things. They are defects. You will be dropped off outside and will have to enter in a small tunnel above the base. You will be dropped off as the workers are taking a Coffee break. They still have a few faults to get out of WISC. Get the data tapes and get back to the ship! Two imperial officers are said to be running this operation. General Karil, a minor general in the empire, and General Morit, a high general in the empire. If you can kill both, you will do the rebellion a great favor. General Morit will have better defense in his room so be careful!
Ole Thomasen
More dangerous than most Empire spaceships, the OutSpace station pulsates through the Alpha Galaxy and challenges unwanted visitors with unexpected surprises. Bolstered with courage from his last successful mission, Kyle has just boarded the OutSpace and finds himself in a central chamber ready to proceed with his search for the Death Star plans. Without the plans, no Force is strong enough to decipher the complex design of the Empire headquarters, destroy the enemy base and end all evil. If Kyle succeeds in finding the Death Star plans, which have been craftily hidden and amply protected in anticipation of just such a a Jedi mission, he will need to find his way through the ship to the launch pad from which escape may be possible. Even more heavily guarded than the plans, the launch pad is full of dangerous traps. Be careful young Jedi, and may the force be with you.
You must capture Grand Moff Tarkin's most trusted aide so you can learn the location of the DEATH STAR. Boba Fett is guarding him and look out for stormtroopers.
Outpost Tanis Van
Rick Horack
You are to infiltrate the outpost and set three sequencer charges at the sights that are outlined. You will sneak on board the station in a modified cargo container and make your way thru the cargo area to the main sections of the outpost. After setting the charges go back to the hanger you started in. Your route back may be block try to find an alternate means back.
Chris Landrum
Madine's done it again! And this time ho took all the mission items with him. Well, the Redels decided to send a commando. Not a huge force with a great chance for success. Too bad. Kyle picked the short straw too. Darn! Now, he must get inside a building with NO entry points, NO exit points! HUH? Oh well, ya gotta go.
Eric Pauker
We have just discovered that the empire has a geothermal energy mine on the planet of Parux.This mine drains the geothermal energy from the planet and then it is used to power all of the various weapons and tools of the Empire, from the smallest blaster to the largest Imperial destroyers. We have also discovered that this is one of the Empires largest sources of raw energy. Destroying this mine would greatly help the Rebellion.
Planet Natek
Matthew Horrocks
This level is set on a planet where everything is robotic. They are far more intelligent than humans as their planet was made 89,000,000 years before Earth. They have detectors in the ground so they can tell who enters their planet, and if they are not robotic then they will see lots if illusions and the walls and robots will appear to be moving when they are not. This will happen to you, so take care!
Port of Eisley
Christian Imboden
The familiar Mos Eisley space port from the movie, sort of.
Power Station Zeta
Rick Schmidt
The Rebel High Command has learned that the DARK TROOPERS are powered by a small yet powerful energy chip. This chip is manufactured at an unknown location. However, the chips are energized at a secret facility , code named: POWER STATION ZETA. The destruction of this facility would set back the production of DARK TROOPERS and give the Rebel spy network some more time to locate the chip manufacturing plant. This seems to be the only way to slow down the destruction and terror that these new weapons of the Empire are causing.
Prelude to Harkov's Defection
Matthias von Herrmann
Imperial Admiral Harkov wishes to defect to the Rebel Alliance. Obviously we expect a trap, but if his wishes are true it would be a significant boost to our efforts. Admiral Harkov possesses a large amount of information on the Imperial navy. As a testament to his good faith, he will give us tapes on his defection plans. They are located on Nar Shaddaa, the vertical city. As you know the Imperials control a sector of this city, and Harkov is in charge of a section of said sector. The tapes are there with one of Harkov's captains, Captain Convegade. We will drop you off in one of the neutral sectors of Nar Shaddaa. Work your way into the Imperial sector, and get to Captain Convegade as well as those tapes. I'll meet you on the roof. Harkov has instructed his men not to fire on you, but be careful as not all the Imperials serve under Harkov. Also Lord Vader, apparently annoyed by your escape at Outpost D-42, has hired bounty hunters to look for you. Watch out for them as you make your way through the neutral sectors.
Note: The HD version does not support DOS or Dark Forces Remaster. The older versions are compatible.
Prologue Mission 1: At Boba Fett's School
Joe Marino
Okay, we've all heard how that pansy-lil'-farmboy-who-thinks-he's-a-Jedi- knight, Luke Skywalker, started his own school in order to train Jedi. Well, I ask you this: What if Boba Fett started a school for ex-Mandalore- supercommandos-who-are-now-all-but-extinct-so-they-turned-into-high-priced- bounty-hunters? Whew, glad I got all that out. Well, that's what this level is all about. Boba Fett and his pupils have stolen the plans for the Second Death Star. The Rebels have now bought the plans and the Empire wants em' back. Lord Vader sends his just-recently-revealed double agent, Kyle Katarn, to steal back the plans. This is where the story picks up.
Aris Paterakis,Dave Lovejoy
You are a young X-Wing pilot, based on planet Candia. Your job is to provide escort for the Rebel ships that come and go from Agasbath, a secret city. Agasbath is also protected by a magnetic shield. Returning from a routine mission one night, you find your base under attack. Imperial forces are searching for the Agasbath shield key.
Rancor Base
Jason Muhs
OK, Rancor Agent! You've been sitting out way too long waiting for a mission! Well, we've got one for you! You MUST invade Rancor Base and steal a sample of the Phrix Metal. The base is surrounded by an extremely treachorous and deadly mountain range. If your going to make this trek (and you will, I presume), your gonna' need to be careful. Don't let your blaster get the better of ya'. Instead of turning blind corners and falling hundreds of feet... look BEFORE you move! You never know what move will be your last.
Ravager Outpost
Rick Schmidt
As Kyle Katarn, former Imperial Special Ops, now working for the Rebel Alliance, you have stolen the plans of the new Imperial secret weapon code named DEATHSTAR. On the way back to the Rebels, you are attacked and taken prisoner by the notorious Bounty Hunter, Boba Fett. He has turned you over to the Imperials at Ravager Outpost, a nearby Imperial stronghold located near the Outer Rim. The Commander of the Oupost has sentenced you to death for crimes against the Empire. The manner of execution is digestion inside a Kell Dragon. You must find a way into the Outpost, retreive the plans for the DEATHSTAR, and then find your way back to your ship. Good luck !
Rebel Base Invasion
The rebels resently set up a small base inside a large asteroid. Somehow Imperial inteligence found this base and is invading it. To save some credits, the empire sent new stormtroopers that are vacuum equiped and have rocket packs. Some of the troops have already entered the base. Beware of an interigation droid that shoots rockets. Crix Madine also informed us that there were some dark troopers sent down with the other troops
Rebel Hangar
You are Corporal Dace Verdan, named after the famous Jedi Knight. You are a pilot fresh out of the Imperial academy. After jumping ship to join the Rebellion you are assinged a dangerous mission by Admiral Ackbar himself. You are to join a squadren of X-Wings and A-Wings that is going to raid an Imperial storehouse on the planet Corbo. Your squadren will have to establish a base near that world. As you fly through to establish the Rebel base you are apprehensive. Something is telling you that things are not going to go as planned. You shake it off and get exited about the impending attack.
Roger T.L Ward
In a heroic effort to save mankind the rebel mercenary Kyle Katarn must infiltrate the evil empire's secret base to find the plans to destroy the death star. For mission completion find the secret plans and get your skinny little arse out of the base.
Relics of the Empire
John Johnson
Ceph Roean, one of the Empires elite, and an expert in the field of espionage, is sent to the Forest Moon of Endor, to search out an abandoned Imperial facility.
Jason Muhs
You are on a Rebel Cargo ship on it's way to pick up it's load, when the ship's computer picks up strange reading on the board. Pressing various switches and buttons, you are able to decode the new death star plans. You have intercepted the NEW plans! You print out a copy and rush over to the deck commander. His eyes grow wide as he glances at the paper. He orders all crew to abandon in the escape pods to the nearest planet, as Imperial Fleets should arrive at any moment. The crew wastes no time in evacuating.
Rescue Jabba
Imperials kidnapped... er, HUTTnapped Jabba. His cronies are offering a reward for his safe return. Rescue Jabba and get back to the Crow. This won't be easy. The Imperials want Jabba bad.I mean real bad. I mean REALLY, REALLY BAD!
Rescue Willot
David Andersen
The second Death Star is destroyed and the Emperor is finally dead. But still the New Republic struggle to regain control of the galaxy. Coruscant and many other planets are still in the hands of Imperial fractions and warlords. On the colony planet Gothal 5, it is rumored that the Empire has an old 450 meter long spaceship, secretly hidden inside a huge mountain. It is told that the ship was meant to function as an escape ship for the now dead Imperial Governor of Gothal 5, who had a secret entrance at the mountain top. A New Republic ewok agent called Willot was send to investigate this rumor. But soon after he arrived, the Republic lost all contact with the ewok. He can be badly injured or maybe he just got lost in the maintains. YOU! One of the New Republic's best agents have been send to Gothal 5 to rescue agent Willot!
Rescue on Endor
Darrin Bunker
Your mission is to rescue an Ewok leader who has inside information on the shield generator protect- ing the new Death Star. The Imperials captured him as he was about to meet with our leaders. Beware, this level is very difficult on harder levels. Although, the actual level is the same as the original level 1 Secret Base. I have modified many objects and room properties. There are a few more weapons that may help you starting off. Although, I don't think it will affect further game play too much. NOTE: if you haven't finished the original levels yet, only play this one on EASY, lest you may spoil some of the excitment your first time through. But, if you are having a difficult time early on, this level may help.
Return of the Jawa
Gary M Console
Good morning, Kyle. Sorry to wake you so early, but the Rebellion needs your help. Our spy network has just learned the location of a top secret Imperial base. Furthermore, it has been determined that the base is being used to train Jawa as stormtroopers.
Return to Bespin: Reclaiming Cloud City
Jason Burton, Carlos Gomez, Richard Gold, Richard Snodgrass, Arthur Sharp
Sent to rescue Madine and Capture the fugitive Moff Rebus, Kyle and Jan make their way to the now Imperial and smuggler-held city in the clouds. Just as the Empire prepares Madine for Carbon-Freeze...
Ruins of Talos I
John Johnson
Troops loyal to C'Boath have taken a sudden interest in the ancient ruins on a rather obscure world called Talos XII. Admiral Thrawn wishes you to find out what it is and retrieve or destroy it. Then find a comm system somewhere in the tomb and radio in.
Ruins of Talos III Goatha's Palace
John Johnson
Having acquired coordinates believed to lead to a lost Jedi colony and hopefully his family, Marek has set his course for the location.
Ruins of Talos IV Reunion
John Johnson
Having obtained the location of the hidden Jedi Comunity from Goatha, Marek has located an uncharted planet and is preparing to land.
Michael Simon,Frank Andries
Eliminate a Grand Admiral on Ryloth.
Scrolly's Lair
Gavin Parker
Locate Death Star Plans & Kill Mohc
Christoph Dobias
Infiltrate the base and search for the data tapes that lead you to the secret transporter routes! The transporters carry the metal for the hull of the World Devastators!
Secbase O
This is a secbase object replacement map by an Unknown Author
Secbase Revisited
Serge Debroeyer,Yves Borckmans
As Kyle Katarn, former Imperial Special Ops, now working for the Rebel Alliance, you have been given the delicate mission to steal the plans of the new Imperial secret weapon code named DEATHSTAR. You will be dropped at the cargo entrance of the Imperial base where Rebel Intelligence suspects the plans are stored. You must then find the plans, and return to the drop zone where your assistant Jan Ors will bring back your ship. Good luck !
Note: According to the author - this is the level that got its authors a contract to make Jedi Knight levels with Lucasarts
Secbase Roger
Roger Ward
With the construction of the Death star the empire has designed the most deadly weapon in the galaxy. The rebel spy's have managed to locate a secret base where the plans of the Death Star being held for safe keeping, finding these plans means the Rebels can launch an attack on the Death Star and rid the galaxy of this menace.
Sewage Factory
Matthew Horrocks
You have been sent on an important mission to blow up the sewage factory, because it is pumping out toxic waste that can wipe out life on a whole planet if it continues for much longer. First you must find the Death Star Plans to locate the factory. Once in the factory, set the bomb.
Jason Muhs
Kyle, you must go to ShockWave Station. As you know, the Station is an Imperial Outpost set on the rocky, sunny planet of Crussh. We have known about the Imperial residing there for quite some time, but they never attacked any other outposts in the proximity. However, we have just recieved news that the Imperials have stolen some top-secret alliance data tapes and are hiding them in ShockWave Station. You must get these tapes at any cost, Kyle! The tapes contain every security clearance code and battle plan the Alliance has. As you know, this info. is most important and if the Imperials are ever to analyze the tapes, the Alliance is finished. The tapes contain clearance codes and passwords of the Rebel Alliance. As you see, they must be brought back! Since your going to be at the base, bring us back a sample of Phrix Metal. This element, Phrix, is said to be used in the manufacturing of the Dark Troopers. Good Luck and may the force be with you!
Siege at Alderaan
Jason Burton
Kyle Katarn, a bright young officer has just received his first position at an Alderaanian ore processing plant. Kyle, having been bombarded with Imperial Propaganda for the past six years, has decided to defect from the empire. Just as Kyle decides this, President Palpatine declares himself Emperor, and an Imperial Delegation arrive on Alderaan to oversee the development of metals for a new fighter. Kyle knows that this information would be invaluable to Rebel factions, and decides it Could Give him the cash flow he will desperately need.
Smuggler's Depot
Jonny Cook
In this mission you take on the role of Han Solo, smuggler and all round rogue. Unfortunately, due to your loss of Jabba the Hutt's last cargo he has stolen the nava card from the Millenium Falcon, containing ALL of your smuggling routes and hyperspace shortcuts. Until you get this back you are effectively grounded, and, unless you've got a large money box it's going to stay that way. After your many smuggling missions for Jabba, you hope that the automated sentry system will still grant entry to his supply depot, where you believe the card will be kept in the small cell block which you know to be located on one of the lower levels of the subteranean complex. Although the electronic systems will probably still grant entry, rest assured that the living guards will not be quite so welcoming, and as you know bounty hunters are employed both inside and outside the depot. And remember, watch your back next time you stop off in Mos Eisley!
Space Scrap Recycling Station
Wolfgang Gerlach
Imperial forces got to know the importance of a clean universal environment. One of the latest directions issued by The Lord reads as follows: 'Don't litter the universe!' Consequently they began to pick up all that troopertrash and the roboscrap which you have left behind during the last 14 missions. Same will be collected on a secret planet called SSRS-one.(beta). Here they have built up a recycling plant, which is able to reassemble even those complicated Dark Trooper types. Of course they need the construction plans to do so. These plans are the target of your mission. Try to get them and on this occasion check out the architecture of the SSRS-one.(beta) in order to make this technology available also for our forces.
Space Station
John Sekers
Rebel intelligence has recieved word of a new secret Imperial weapon. We've also found out that at this time its being transported to a manufacturing plant on a planet somewhere in the Nagobain galaxy, where mass production is set to begin. At the moment we believe it to be temporarily located on an Imperial Space Station,recieving last minute adjustments,before final transport. This Space Station has been central to all Imperial activity of late and is now becoming a concern to the resistance. Word has also been recieved of a group of bounty hunters that have been working hand in hand with the Imperials to maintian operation of the Space Station, by supplying fuel made at a secret Imperial facility
Star Base
Sean Baker
OK, you just delivered the Death Star plans to the Rebel Alliance. While you are having dinner in a neutral system. Suddenly, the Empire attacks. You have been captured trying to escape from the system and left at a run down , under-manned Imperial prison. Your objective is (quite simply) to escape before they realize who they have captured.
Star Destroyer
Claude Pradervand
The Empire has made a crucial mistake. Out of fear that rebel spy's could take the Dark Trooper plans they only made three copies. Little did the Empire know, that the rebels would not go after the plans but destroy the Dark Trooper production altogether. The Empire has been hit hard by your success and all the plans on Anteevy and on the Arc Hammer have been lost. This leaves the Empire only with the master copy which is being transported on a Star Destroyer to a secret base where the plans will be decoded and copied. Rebel forces have attacked the Star Destroyer and damaged it badly. Your task is to land your ship inside the Star Destroyer, find the plans which are on a data tape and get back to your ship before the rebels blow the Star Destroyer into pieces. Note that due to the heavy damage some things might not work and that intelligence report have placed a large number of bounty hunters on the Star Destroyer and even some Dark Troopers...
Star Destroyer Oppressor IV
Barry Brien
The Empire is working on a new project 1 year after the destruction of the dark trooper project (thanks to you know who). The Empire is upgrading trooper weaponry and armour. The first steps of this project is an imperial jet pack. Your former co-pilot, Jan Ors, who has worked as a spy for us since your retirement, was able to send us this information, before her capture on board the star destroyer Oppressor IV just hours ago. Your mission is to board the star destroyer Oppressor IV; disguised as a bounty hunter and to retrieve the jet pack, the pack's plans and of course to rescue Jan. Pack prototypes will most likely been issued to some of the troops or at least they will be soon, so don't be surprised if you see some flying stormtroopers! Look out for other bounty hunters. Vader and Moff may be gone, but the price they put on your head sure isn't. Now that you're a Jedi this mission shouldn't prove too difficult but sources say that a new lord, Palpatines twin brother Enitaplap is especially interested in this project and is most likely aboard the Oppressor IV. So keep your lightsaber close and may the force be with you.
Stars End: The Cloak
Jereth Kok
Touch down on a moon of Mytus VII, the Imperial prison planet known to most as Stars End. Get through the difficult terrain and penetrate a Stormtrooper training facility where the late General Mohc's brother is developing the new "Inviso-trooper".
Stealth Attack
Sam Standaert
The Empire has set up a new project on the planet Dantooine. The citizens of the planet are taken to an Imperial laboratory and brainwashed into vicious Imperial servants, then set loose on Rebel bases. This has been a big problem for the Rebel High Command, and it is time to stop it. The lab where the brainwashing is taking place is too heavily guarded too make a succesful attack, but the leader of the project, an Imperial Officer named Kritkeen, is residing in a mansion with several other leading members of the operation. Much of the gathered data from the projects is also stored here. The place itself is only lightly guarded because the Imperials aren't aware that Rebel spies have out that the data is here. However, there are some defense droids and robot gun emplacements in the woods around the base, and a small stormtrooper barracks nearby. You and a team of Rebels are being sent in near a small farmhouse to blow up the mansion and the Stormtrooper bunker, effectively destroying the data, killing Kritkeen, removing the Imperial presence from the area, and sending the project back to square one. The attack will be made in the early hours of the morning, when the sun is just rising and most of the Imperials are still in bed. The other Rebels will stay and defend the ship, and you will infiltrate the base and set a bomb in the stormtrooper barracks, and another in Kritkeen's living quarters. The key to the mansion is possessed by an officer in the Imperial barracks, so first you must go there, then back to the mansion. It would be best to try and sneak through the level than alerting the Imperials to your presence. NOTE: If you set a charge in the mansion before you set one in the bunker, the level will not work. To make the level work, you must set the charge in the barracks before you set one in the mansion.
TIE Defender Base Collector's Edition
Paul Nemesh
Rebel spies have located the base where research and development is being done on the Empire's newest starfighter, the TIE Defender. This development effort is being led by Admiral Thrawn, who is reporting directly to the Emperor. Initial analysis indicates that this new weapon can outrun and outgun any starfighter in the Rebel arsenal. The Rebel Alliance needs more data on this craft and we need to shut down its testing facility. This is where you come in, Kyle...
Talay O
This is a Talay Object replacement level by an unknown Author
Tatooine Social Club
Paul Michael Armstrong
For some time, Kyle has been a member of the Tattooine social club, and recently has noticed a growing number of Imperial Clientel. After some covert investigation, Kyle discovers that the Empire is using the social club as a front, where they commence their meetings and record their plans in the 'committee meeting minits', the club committee being the creme del a creme of Imperial nastiness. Darth Vader is the 'Club Chairman' and Boba Fett the secretary. It is Kyle's task to retrive the committee minits so that the Rebels can prepare well for any up and coming attacks. The club has five beer consumption areas. The bar, the lounge, the concert room, the select bar (Upstairs) and the beer garden. The committee have employed Rodians as bar men, and the clientel include rougue mercenaries, all types of stormtrooper, dark jedi and all sorts of alien. Entrance to the club will not be a problem, as the rebels have managed to get C3PO a job as a doorman, and he will let you straight in. Good luck Commander, don't get drunk, and may the force be with you, always.
Terminate Boba Fett
Richard Gold
Plans for a Prototype Rebel StarFighter to be named the B-WING have been stolen. The plans have reportedly ended up in the hands of the infamous Boba Fett. Your mission is to recover the stolen B-Wing plans and terminate Boba Fett, once and for all. Beware, Fett has a reputation for surviving nasty situations. Several termination attempts have already failed. We are counting on you to recover the B-Wing plans before they fall into Imperial hands.
The Bounty Hunt Special Edition
Peter Klassen
Kyle Katarn has got a highly dubious task from Jabba The Hutt. He (Jabba) has managed to trap Han Solo on 'Vanguard', a smuggler transit station near Ord Mantell. So he connected all the important bounty hunters (and the mercenary Kyle Katarn). Katarn, who got no new jobs from the Rebels since the Dark Forces conflict, and who got a chance to make peace with his former rival Jabba couldn't afford to reject it. Though knowing that Solo has sympacy with the Rebels, little does Kyle know that he is not a scoundrel. So he accepts the job...
Besides other bounty hunters as opponents, Kyle has to reckon with the base personnel who won't tolerate any disorder, as well as with the Imperials who launched a reconnaissance troop onto the base, searching for the Rebel Fleet. But in the middle of the hunt Kyle gets his eyes open to the real state of things...
The Conjurer.
Bruno Fabbri
Darth Vader and the emperor are long dead. Grand admiral Thrawn,the dying empire's best hope at regaining control of the galaxy,has gone as well. The remnants of the empire have retreated to the core systems,where their stronghold is now established. No one knows who's in command at the moment. The decaying imperial forces are not in a position to launch full scale assaults anymore. As a result,their actions are limited to hit-and-fade attacks. During one of these,lead by the interdictor cruiser CONJURER and which was aimed at a new republic convoy,the plans for the most advanced new republic starfighter,the E-WING,have been stolen. The convoy's escort, made of two corellian corvettes and a dozen X-WINGs,has been wiped out. Aboard your heavily damaged and disabled X-WING,you have been caught by one of the CONJURER's tractor beams and are currently being led to one of its landing bays. You must find a way to recuperate the stolen plans and return to new republic space. In order to achieve this,your only hope is to deactivate the conjurer's interdiction field,which prevents hyperspace jumps and travell in the near vicinity of the huge ship,as well as steal an imperial craft equiped with a hyperdrive. A large number of ex-smugglers and bounty hunters,being out of business and having decided to be all they could be,have joined forces with the empire. Their skills and gifts in evading detection and spying procedures often earn them the privilege of conveying classified documents. One of them will undoubtedly be assigned the task to take the E-WING plans to imperial headquarters. This must no be allowed to happen,as the new republic would then lose its hard-earned edge in starfighter technology(I'm not sure I know what all this means,but it sure sounds damn good). Good luck,and may the force be with you.
The Emperor's Gambit
Kevin M. Rusnak
Four years after Operation: Skyhook and the destruction of the Death Star, the Rebellion has learned of the creation of a new, more powerful secret weapon. Her Bothan spies having failed to discover any information on the Empire's new plot, Mon Mothma calls up an old agent. Operation Alderaan is now in the hands of Kyle Katarn. Because of the dangerous location of the hidden base in the Outer Rim, the Rebel pilots will not be able to stick around and extract you after the mission. There is a hanger at the base where Kyle should be able to find and steal an Imperial ship. He now must find the entrance to the base, steal the plans to the new Death Star, and find a ship to get him the hell out of there. Reports suggest that the Empire's top agents are in charge of the facility, so be on the lookout. Little does Kyle or the Rebellion know that this is the first step in the Emperor's sinister plan for the final destruction of the Rebel Alliance. (Thus the name of the level, by the way). The events occurring herein fall between the end of ESB and the start of Return of the Jedi.
The Escapee
Sorry Kyle for calling you for another mission right after your great escape from the Arc Hammer just before it exploded, but we need your help again. Moff Rebus, whom you captured a while ago, escaped while you were on The Executor. I will spare you how for it is an embarrasing story to the Rebellion. He has gone to his favorite base on the planet Cor. That base is a prison and torture center for large criminals and traitors. Crix Madine would have gone there if Mohc had not wanted to be within' the system where he was being kept. I want you to recapture Moff Rebus for he is wanted for crimes against the Rebellion! Be careful! Many rooms are specially designed to torture and kill the traitors and criminals. I have heard that a Kell Dragon is in one. Since there is no other known entrance, you must land at the beginning of a small canal leading to the base's front door. Since Moff's absence, many stormtroopers have left and only a few remain. Boba Fett, Moff's personal Body Guard there, is also said to be there. He may be guarding Moff. I think you've run into him before so you probably know what to do. Once the base knows of your existence, Moff will be informed and he will go out to his evacuation spot. Get to him before the imperial shuttle arrives!!! He will probably have a flare gun to signal it so get it from him and signal The Crow. This would be a dangerous mission to a regular mercenary, but you've had so much experience that I think you can do it.
The Evacuation of Hoth
Adam Shane
The evil lord Darth Vader, obsessed with finding Katarn, has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the reaches of spaces. One of these probes has travelled to the remote ice world of Hoth, the location of the Rebel base. After finding the base, it sent the data to the Imperial Fleet. Darth Vader assured that the rebels are there orders the fleet to proceed immediately to Hoth. The imperial fleet arrives and prepares for a ground assault. Imperial AT-ATs are sent to destroy the shield generator, so that the fleet may bombard the planet.
The rebels are seriously outgunned and now I have to retreat. The last transport has already left so will have to escape in an X-wing starfighter. I must also recieve a copy of where to rendezvous with the rest of the fleet. I will find it in the Computer Room.
The Fall of Thrawn
Desmond Shepherd
After the demise of the Emperor, the massive forces of the Empire were scattered across the galaxy. But now the single remaining Grand Admiral, Thrawn, is attempting to reunite the Fleet under his control. His goal: the complete, total and utter destruction of the Rebellion. Your job, Kyle Katarn, is to find information on the massing of the Fleet, and eventually to kill Thrawn himself..
The Great Escape
Jeff Walters
En route to the Rebel Base on the frozen world of Hoth carrying the stolen structural plans for a new class of star destroyer, named the Imposer class, your ship is fallen upon by a fleet of rag-tag ships. Your unmarked space yacht is crippled and you and your pilot Jan Ors are captured by boarders. You are taken to the infamous Imperial Detention Facility known as Justice Station which floats on repulsors in the atmosphere of Crallon IV, where you are traded to Imperial forces by your captors, who you discover are a group of crack bounty hunters, in exchange for the bounty on your heads and salvage rights to your vessel. When the imperials claimed custody of you and Jan they also took possession of your belongings and equipment, which included your newest addition, a jetpack. Unknown to the Imperials is that the stolen plans they seek remain hidden aboard your ship despite an extensive search by Imperial technical experts. You realize that you must somehow recover the plans before the bounty hunters led by Boba Fett and IG88 find the plans and sell them back to the Imperials You overhear one of the bounty hunters talking to an Imperial official and discover that the bounty hunter's base lies below the station on the planet below. Using this information you and Jan devise a plan before you are separated and taken to individual cells. Firstly you must escape your cell and rescue Jan. You must then escort Jan safely to the landing pad where an Imperial shuttle you spotted when you first arrived is located. When Jan has escaped in the shuttle you must then locate and recover your jetpack. Then use the jetpack from the most northern point of the facility. This point should hover roughly over the area where the bounty hunter base is located. Once on the planet you must infiltrate the base and recover the plans. When this is accomplished, you will rendezvous with Jan at the highest peak in the mountainous terrain behind the base. Jan will drop landing lights on the peak prior to extraction. As you are led back in to your cell after interrogation by your guard you surprise him and using your honed combat skills overpower him, grabbing his pistol you begin your mission......
The Great Tatooine Water Hunt
We all know Tatooine. Desert planet once home to Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Jabba the Hutt. As the Empire is pushed out of the galaxy, they grab on to some of the rim worlds and establish a base. This is one of those cases. Not only have they set up shop in Mos Eisley, the smuggler's capital of the sector, they also are using a new kind of Vaporator to suck up all the water. As a result, the people of Tatooine must buy all their water from the local Moff, and he ain't cheap.
The Hoerby Trilogy
Matthias von Herrmann
You've just received the Star of Alderaan. Shortly after leaving Mon Mothma and the Rebel fleet, your ship comes under fire from Imperial forces. You are no match for them, and eventually you power down and are taken via shuttle to Imperial Outpost D-42. There you will reside until Darth Vader determines your fate. Not willing to wait around that long, you manage to steal a blaster from an officer on board the shuttle, and once in your cell begin your escape.
The Hunt for the Arc Hammer
Mark A. Haidekker
Search the Arc Hammer wreck for the Dark Trooper Blueprints, get into the Executor and deactivate the main shields, then meet Jan in the Executor's hangar
The Imperial Stronghold
Oliver Thistlethwaite
Rebel scouts have reported that they have discovered a hiden imperial stronghold locate on the planet Fest. The base itself is constructed on a ridge high in a mountainous region of the planet. We have heard reports that the Empire is gathering its forces in the area to launch a massive assault on a rebel outpost located at the food on the ridge
The Jedi Trials
Timothy Smulders
A Star Wars Dark Forces Trial
The Mountains of Relion
Eric Pauker
The plans for the Death Star are being kept at one of the Empires coordinating centers in a mountain range on Relion. You must steal the plans and get back to your ship with them
The Mystery Of The Morning Wood
Vladimir Klassen
This's a pretty nice (I hope) mini level.
The Prisoner Dilemma
Adam Richards
A complete Dark Forces level experience, in an area smaller than the opening hallway of Secret Base! Solve the puzzle and take out the prisoner - or fail, and meet your doom!.
The Rock: Episode 1-Gandolo IV
Clayton Cameron
As you know, the recent hours have been quite hectic for us. Grand Admiral Thrawn has risen up from obscurity, and is bent on reviving the Empire. He has enlisted the help of an insane clone of a Jedi Master, Joruus C'baoth. Their bargain is that C'baoth aids Thrawn in any way possible in exchange for new Jedi students: mainly, Leia Organa Solo and her twin children. But Thrawn has been unable to keep his side of the bargain. His Nogrhi commandos have been unable to capture the Princess, and this has upset C'baoth. Upset him enough to cause him to break away from Thrawn. The bad part is two divisions of Thrawn's troops had grown quite loyal to C'baoth, and seceded with him. These are no ordinary Imperials(anymore). The ranking officers are training as Dark Jedi. The stormtroopers and regular officers have had superb training from the best the Imperials have (before they seperated from Thrawn, of course). C'baoth's troopers stand out with their dark blue armor, and make up a fearsome enemy. Combine this with the two AT-ATs, five AT-STs, and numerous sentry devices the seceders took with them, and you have one impressive fighting force. Thrawn doesn't appear to care; two divisions are nothing compared to what he has left. He's not bothering to eliminate C'baoth, either, because in the end they both have the same goal: to restore the Empire's glory and bring down the New Republic, except C'baoth is bent on reviving the Jedi(in his case Dark Jedi) as a galaxywide force.
The Second Clone War - Mission II - Black Sun
Rhys Copeland
Find your smuggler mate, who will show you a path you must follow to infiltrate the Imperial facility somewhere in the desert, steal the datatapes and get the hell out. You will have to find alternative ways in and out of the base as it will be too well-guarded otherwise.
The Sith Trials
Timothy Smulders
A Star Wars Dark Forces Trial
The Undermined
Secbase Unlimited
Version 1.1 of the award-winning UM DOT GOB. Become the champion of a world corrupted and stripped bare - undertake an epic quest to right the wrongs set upon your home, and maybe shoot some people in the meantime.
Tower of Doom
Adam Richards,Dirk Destiny
A level made for fun. If you are : looking for the ultimate Dark Forces : gaming experience, keep walking.
Training on Aroarra
Jedi Cheddar
Danger Room 2.0
Triton Spaceport
Joseph Freistuhler
This mission takes place after the the movie trilogy in the timespan covered in the Dark Empire comic books. The emperor has recently been defeated once again, and several different Imperial factions are fighting against each other for the right to lead the Empire. The Galorndon Cluster is an isolated region of space where a strong Imperial contingent still maintains control. Triton Spaceport orbits the planet Yelsain and is a major stopping point along the Galorndon Run. As such it is host to many transients, most of them unfavorable. Triton Spaceport is also host to many of the galaxy's most notorious bounty hunters. It is well known throughout the Cluster as the place to go to hire a hunter.
Underground Research Facility
Brian Gustke
Because of your previous experience with the dark trooper you have been sent to investigate the reports of an underground testing base where it is believed that the first prototype of the dark trooper originated. Your MISSION OBJECTIVE is simple: Find an entrance into the base, go in and slap some dogs upside their heads, wreck utter choas upon the base and if possible come out alive. Also if you happen to see any plans lying about be sure to pick 'em up! Also worth searching for is info on the disappearnace of your Co-pilot Jan and the spy Crix Madeine. Rumor has it that Jan is really a spy and Crix a double agent!
Vornskr Trainer 1
Psycho Killer
You have been assigned to confirm the location of a small imperial base on Tieos that poses a threat to the Rebels. They have paid us highly and have also informed us that there might be an underground factory that could be producing Dark Troopers. Unfortunatly upon your arrival in the system, you were captured by a Star Destroyer and placed in a cell on the planet's surface with a small furry, idiodic animimal. It hands you a thermal detonator and points to a crack in a nearby wall...
Ole Thomasen
It's good to see you again, Kyle. You did a great job on your last mission. Now it's time to get back into the hot area. The Empire has started recycling nuclear material to be used in a new super weapon against the Rebel Command. We have made a brief reconnaissance of the area and it's swarming Imperial activity. The nuclear waste recycling plant is fully operational and we have learned that the produced radioactive material are to be used in a new super weapon against us.
Water Treatment Plant
Michael Messer
A vital Imperial data tape has been stolen by smugglers, who are believed to be hiding out in a water treatment plant on the outskirts of NarShaddaa. As Kyle, you are assigned to intercept this tape before the Empire gets it, and return to your ship safely.
Wildfire the Beginning
Your mission, should you decide to accept it? is to infiltrate the Endorean base, and Steal, no borrow. The Plans for there new and improved Galactic Battle Cruiser with cup holders. And DVD player with surround sound.
Zaarin Platform
Alex Epshteyn
You've been hired by the Empire to get the TIE Defender plans from the traitor, Admiral Zaarin.