Submitting Dark Forces Missions

Are you submitting a new level? First make sure that we don't already have this mission. Check the level list below to make sure it is not there already.

Level List --> Level List

Even if your map is small and incomplete or has bugs we want it!. If you have somthing missing here please upload it using the submission form below!

IMPORTANT BEFORE SUBMITTING: If you want your mission to be displayed on the mission list please read the Submission Guide prior to uploading it.

Want to Contribute to DF-21 with Web Front End or Art?

Reach out to us in our discord here or email us at:{ at }

Help Preserve Dark Forces History!

Dark Forces Level Search

Star Wars: Dark Forces has a long history of talented artists creating custom assets and graphics for custom missions. From bulletin boards and FTP sites, pockets and troves have been passed down and preserved by fans, adding depth and character to Kyle Katarns adventures.

When we rebuilt a few years ago, we dug through old HDDs and archives, explored ancient corners of Internet archive, and were pleasantly surprised the many places we found assets. Even, so our search continues, and we are calling out for one last great search.

If you have any Dark Forces levels or art assets, we would like to archive them. Even if it was something you never publicly released, we want to preserve that work, adding to the creative tapestry this community has woven over almost 3 decades.

If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist." - Jedi Librarian Jocasta Nu

We have compiled a list of Star Wars: Dark Forces missions, but are still looking for a few and always on the lookout for something new or unknown.

Dark Forces Art Assets

We are also looking for any Dark Forces art that you may have. It could be a...

If you see something missing from our Asset Repository please upload it below.

Dark Forces Media or Fan Art

Do you have knowledge of a Dark Forces Article from a long lost magazine? If it is not in this Magazine List we would love to have it.

We are also looking for any interview with the team or any art from the game - even if you drew fan art it yourself!

Uploading Details

Before You Upload...

All file submissions are welcome and encouraged, and we endeavour to host all submitted files. However, due to the voluntary nature of the service, we ask that you stick to the following guidelines:

If you upload a file without following these guidelines, it will not be posted and you will be asked to make the necessary changes before resubmitting.


By uploading a file to DF-21, you are agreeing that it can be made freely available on the site to anyone who wishes to download it. All copyrights and legal responsibilties for files on DF-21 remain with the author(s) of those files. Authors can request the removal of their work from DF-21 at any time. When a newer version of a file is submitted, the old version may be deleted from DF-21.


By submitting a custom mission file you agree to display the unique mission assets on the Asset Vault

We reserve the right to reject or remove files as we see fit. Files are scanned for viruses on submission and also checked for illegal or otherwise unsuitable content.

Uploading Instructions

You can upload files directly from your computer using this handy form:

Name of Level/Asset/Tool:
Author for attribution:
File to upload: