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The Force Engine Beta

Posted by karjala on 2021-11-19 02:26:35 EST

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The Force Engine (BETA)

After years in the making Lucius has released a beta build of the The Force Engine . This is a full reverse-engineer of the Dark Forces JEDI engine in C++.

The core game loop is now complete and all the AI, Rendering, Physics, Scripting is implemented. Here is how it looks like from the Main Menu. 


Here is a video showing off The Force Engine Engine and UI capabilities. 



You can also load custom mods that we host here at DF-21 ---> Mods

Here is how they look like in The Force Engine! 


You can now render in the classic 200 pixel resolution all the way to 4k! Here is a comparison.

200px (Original resolution)



1440px (2k) Resolution.



It really is night and day comparison. Give them a try. 


You can even see down the entire GROMAS hallway. No more pixelated silliness! 



Give the Beta a try and report all bugs here --> Force Engine Bug Forum


Keep up with TFE's progress by reading the blog at the Force Engine Dev Blog .


