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The Force Engine - Experimental Voxel Update

Posted by karjala on 2021-01-17 18:31:08 EST

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Lucius is back with a brand new update and a new experimental build of The Force Engine that allows for in-game voxels! In addition to static decor such as tables and chains, there are now fully rendered health and ammo powerups and even interrogation droid enemies remade in shiny voxel graphics by the talented Paweł Dzierżanowski. Go visit his page for more fantastic art.

Those of you who are eager to finally see what a Build-engine voxel would look like in a Dark Forces setting, please head to The Force Engine - Experimental Builds page for information.

You can download the Experimental build Here

And now for for some preview images to satisfy your curiosity!

Dark Forces DeHacker 1.4 Released

Posted by karjala on 2021-01-14 07:43:37 EST

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Today we have great news on modernizing Dark Forces controls. -=CHE@TER=- has released a new version of DeHacker that automates most of the configuration setup. The new program will have you up and running in two button presses.

Version 1.4 Improvements

  • Dual 16 and 32 bit Executable. You can now run the program directly in 32-bit Windows.
  • Automatic Setup of Modern Controls
  • Auto detection of Steam and GOG Galaxy stores
  • Support for Standalone Dark Forces install

You can download DeHacker version 1.4 here Download

And visit his website at DeHacker

Additionally, there is a Steam Guide available at this location Mouselook Guide

Check it out as it will make your playthrough a lot more enjoyable.

New Engine and Dehacker Update

Posted by Taton on 2020-05-20 19:39:43 EST

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Remember Dark XL, that beautiful hope that burned bright and short in the Mid 2000's? Well LuciusXL has returned after a decade with a new project, The Force Engine. Based off the work for DarkXL, but completely rewritten, The Force Engine is a new attempt to reverse engineer Dark Force's Jedi engine. There's even a playable pre-release version! Keep in mind this is pre-alpha, so don't expect it to replace DosBox quite yet.
The Force Engine

Also, -=CHE@TER=- has released a new version of his awesome Dark Force DeHacker utility. It's now up to verion 1.3 (I missed uploading 1.2, but its not my fault -=CHE@TER=- is a beast with 3 updates in 2 months!) The updates from version 1.2 are available in version 1.3.

Version 1.2 Improvements
-Auto Aim can now be disabled! Makes mouselook even more modern.
Version 1.3 Improvements
- You can now have enable a cross-hair. Welcome to the late 90's!
- You can even make custom cross-hairs! Pew Pew!
- Mouse Sensitivity can be adjusted on each axis.
- New No CD option. The old one would mess with custom briefings for addon levels.

New Version - Dark Forces DeHacker

Posted by Taton on 2020-03-31 19:24:31 EST

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Version 1.1 of Dark Forces DeHacker Released! This amazing utility by -=CHE@TER=- that enables Mouselook now does EVEN MORE!


New Features (Slightly Anglicized as English isn't -=CHE@TER=-'s first language)

- "IMUSE music MIDI drivers fix" which will patch infinite loop bug in General MIDI and Roland music drivers. (You don't need to disable music to prevent game from hanging)

- "Configuration setup" menu where you can configure game controls and assign (bind) the previously unavailable option [Center View] to all three supported devices (keyboard, mouse and joystick)

- Unassign unused keyboard keys and set it to <None> (press Escape to set)
- Separate options to disable joystick, mouse, and even keyboard (only for assigned keys)

- Added documentation in "DARKINFO.TXT" file with complete list of all reserved keyboard keys, commandline options, and cheat codes.

- Create default configuration by deleting JEDI.CFG before run DeHacker and enter "Configuration setup" menu (dialog will appear to confirm default configuration file creation)

- New installation Batch File to easily make fresh installs from CD.

Improved Features

- "Weapon AutoMount" will now always work in game (original SETUP.EXE can break this option and render it completely unusable)

- You can now assign buttons 3 and 4 when "Standard 4 Button" joystick type selected (this was a SETUP.EXE bug)

- Selected mouse sensitivity will be better preserved. (The Original setup.exe behaves improperly).

- "System Speed" renamed to "Screen Size" to make to more accurately represent options. No longer limited to four options.

Thanks to -=CHE@TER=- and his amazing work. He even let me beta test this one!

Source Website (Russian)

Dark Forces Collector

Posted by Taton on 2020-03-16 19:29:46 EST

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Limited Run Games has announced that Dark Forces and Jedi Knight: Dark Force II are both getting Collector's edition releases on March 20th, 2020.

Just look at the box on this thing!

Dark Forces Collector's Edition
Jedi Knight Promo

-Star Wars: Dark Forces Classic Edition blister pack

-Rigid box with foil stamping.

-Individually numbered certificate of authenticity.

-Booklet of retrospective essays.

-SteelBook case.

-3 art cards.

-LucasFilm USB drive.

-Reversible 18" x 24" poster.

-Commemorative coin.

-Moldy Crow enamel pin


Dark Forces Jedi Knight II is getting a pretty similar treatment. Mysteries of the Sith is included.

Jedi Knight Collector's Edition
Jedi Knight Promo
For those unfamiliar with Limited Run Games, they will sell online in 2 batches at 10AM EST and 6PM EST. If there is leftover stock, it may be put on sale again BUT THERE IS NO GUARANTEE. Only 2,000 Copies will be available world wide at $64.99.

Both games are also available in Blister Packs, similar to how Star Wars action figures were in the 90's. These are limited to 3,000 copies at $29.99