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Today's Date 2024-07-26
Total Members 615
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Today Most Msg mareiw1ngz (6)

Latest Posts
2024-02-28 05:38:57
Dark Forces: Remaster Release
2023-12-31 16:57:36
Happy New Year from DF-21
2023-08-23 05:32:13
Dark Forces Remastered
2023-05-04 10:32:41
May the 4th update
2022-12-19 10:42:32
The Force Engine 1.0 Release
Recent Additions
April 14, 2023:
Coober Revisited
by Oton (fish) Ribic

April 14, 2021:
Among The Shadows II: The Lava Planet
by Oton (fish) Ribic

April 28, 2008:
The Tower of Doom
Rating: 3 Stars - Good
by Dirk Destiny and Pumpkinetics

Dark Forces Lore Play

Posted by Taton on 2017-01-18 21:15:06 EST

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Star Wars Explains is doing a series on the lore of Star Wars: Dark Forces. Check it out!


On Social Media and Such

Posted by Taton on 2017-01-04 20:55:17 EST

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DF-21 has truly entered the 21st century, as we now have a Twitter account.

If that is your kind of thing, follow us @DF21net.

Happy New Year! + New Forum

Posted by Taton on 2017-01-01 12:32:26 EST

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Happy 2017!

DF-21 has a forum once again! Hit the button labeled "Forum" of the left hand side to visit it. Come join introduce / reintroduce yourself to the DF-21 community.

Introduce Yourself

*Bonus Content*

Glixel wrote an article on Dark Forces to coincide with Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

How a 'Star Wars' Video Game Told the 'Rogue One' Story 20 Years Ago

Account creation problems

Posted by jon-t on 2016-11-17 14:20:17 EST

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Hello All! Its jon-t, your negligent webmaster.

I recently discovered a tiny bug in the website that made it impossible for users to create an account. I have fixed it.

If you have tried to make an account, but were not able to log in, please try to make your account again.

To all of those loyal members of the community who have tried to make an account recently but have not been able to, I sincerely apologize for my negligence.

The Service Outage

Posted by jon-t on 2016-10-03 16:20:28 EST

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My apologies to everyone for the long time that DF-21.net was down.
I was making significant upgrades to the server (from a core2duo to a 6 core AMDfx cpu clocked to almost 4GHZ!!) and, as usual, it took significantly longer than expected. Sorry about that. But it’s done now.

Time for me to write my philosophy paper…