Account creation problems
Posted by jon-t on 2016-11-17 14:20:17 EST
Hello All! Its jon-t, your negligent webmaster.
I recently discovered a tiny bug in the website that made it impossible for users to create an account. I have fixed it.
If you have tried to make an account, but were not able to log in, please try to make your account again.
To all of those loyal members of the community who have tried to make an account recently but have not been able to, I sincerely apologize for my negligence.
Site Back Up + John Romero
Posted by taton on 2016-10-03 08:53:00 EST
DF-21 is now back up. Rejoice.
A fun little bit of content for y'all. John Romero (of Doom Fame) recently did a walk-through of his recreated level of E1M8. Lots of great stuff for 2.5d level designers. A shout out to Dark Forces was made with a staircase inspired by Jabba's Ship from Dark Forces. John Romero incorrectly describes this staircase as being an illusion created using teleporters. This is misinformation that goes back to the Usenet days, when many people assumed that Dark Forces was incapable of sector over sector geometry.
Custom Mission Playthroughs
Posted by Taton on 2016-08-20 02:15:58 EST
There is a dearth of quality Dark Forces custom level video content. Here is an attempt to remedy that.
Check out Max Duckwell's youtube channel. He posts play-throughs of older FPS game, and has put up quite a few custom Dark Forces missions. From Free Kelly to Discovery at Ironfort, sit back, relax, and enjoy some Dark Forces.
Posted by Taton on 2016-08-10 22:27:11 EST
DF-21 is now the proud host of Dark Forces history! Cybercraft CDark, has been uploaded for consumption by the general public. Created by Mattias Welander, famous for working on the Dark3D engine, this is an editor he created that features a full 3D preview system.
This is an alpha version of the software, so make backups before you unleash it on any of your projects.
Please take this moment and sing the Swedish national anthem, "Du gamla, Du fria".