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Rating: 3 Stars - Good
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DF-21 Is Back Online!

Posted by klasodeth on 2015-11-22 07:15:41 EST

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After extended downtime, DF-21.net is finally back online, though it bears the scars of the chaos surrounding the downtime. So what happened? Initially it seemed to be a simple matter of the domain registration lapsing, as has happened before when the renewal notice was overlooked. However, the site remained offline even after renewing the registration. As it turns out, the provider formerly hosting DF-21.net not only managed to lose the website data, but they lost Lucius' account information, substantially complicating any efforts to resolve the issue with the hosting provider. Ultimately, they were unresponsive and it became necessary to seek out another web host provider.

Since I already pay for web hosting that I don't really use, I offered to host DF-21.net. Ideally, I'd have uploaded a backup copy of the website, but unfortunately there was no comprehensive backup of DF-21.net available. The site you're viewing right now is a reconstruction built from data salvaged from JKDF2.com and Wayback Machine. Most of the download links were recoverable, but several were not. The forum was also lost, though the Dark Forces subsection of XL Engine.com continues to be available for Dark Forces discussion.

As time permits, I'll do what I can to locate alternate sources for any missing data, though I suspect I'll need help sourcing some of the more elusive files. I also plan to fix or remove the multitude of broken links that have accumulated over the years. And of course, a full backup of the site would be prudent.

EDIT: For anyone with questions or comments about DF-21.net, the Contact page has been updated with my contact info.


Welcome To The New

Posted by jon-t on 2015-01-03 10:24:11 EST

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Welcome to the new DF-21.net!

Instructions to use the new website

Posted by jon-t on 2015-12-01 17:54:23 EST

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Ok, i know, i know, WHERE IS THE FORUMS BUTTON?

Answer: Its not done yet, so in the meanwhile, just use chat.