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2024-10-02 23:17:20
Dark Forces Mission Updates and More!
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Heart of the Matter
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by Oton (fish) Ribic

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Among The Shadows II: The Lava Planet
by Oton (fish) Ribic

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The Tower of Doom
Dark Forces Mission Updates and More!

Posted by karjala on 2024-10-02 23:17:20 EST

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DF-21 Level Updates

We've not been sitting idly these past few months. Since the remaster came out we've modernized and tested the entire Dark Forces mission collection. In total there are over 220 maps and over 95% of them are compatible with the Dark Forces Remaster. You can go to visit the levels Here . As a result of this modernization we've removed the link to the old missions from the site.

We've updated each mission to show compatibility. You can now easily see whether the map is DOS, Remaster or The Force Engine Compatible. (Note: They all should be TFE Compatible).

Heart of the Matter

We're also happy to announce a NEW Dark Forces mission "Heart of the Matter: Imperial Underground Facility" by our very own Geoffrey Simpson. You can download it Here.

It's a gorgeous map as you can see from the screenshots below!

Please play through the mission and rate it in our Discord's  #level-ratings channel, but I can tell you it is a true gem!

Steam Custom Mission Guide

Now that the modernization is complete, we've added a new Steam Guide to train new players on how to run the custom maps.

Dark Forces Briefing Generator

Map Makers know that creating Dark Forces briefings is a pain. Fortunately, we've created a web-based Briefing Generator

Just put in your your own values and you'll get your own briefing LFD file in seconds! It will look like this 

Dark Forces Custom Enemy Generator

Bendansie has been working on automating creating of Dark Forces enemies using Blender. You can see the process generating new enemies in the video below.

With the process you can create individual frames quickly.  Take a look at some of this amazing work. 

image.png (379×296)

image.png (491×414)

image.png (419×395)image.png (495×479)


We should be able to add them to the Dark Forces Asset Vault after post-processing. For now here is what it looks like in action.