WDFUSE stands for Windows Dark Forces Utility and Editor. It is a Delphi written mission editor created by Yves Borckmans , a programmer from Belgium in 1995. Here is the story of how he created the Windows version of DFUSE in 1996.

WDFUSE Tutorials
- Introduction
- WDFUSE Tutorial - Configuration
- WDFUSE Tutorial - Basic Geometry
- WDFUSE Tutorial - Basic Geometry II
- WDFUSE Tutorial - 3D Renderer
- WDFUSE Tutorial - Advanced Geometry
- WDFUSE Tutorial - Advanced Geometry II
- WDFUSE Tutorial - Advanced Geometry III
- WDFUSE Tutorial - Objects
- WDFUSE Tutorial - Scripting
- WDFUSE Tutorial - Scripting II
- WDFUSE Tutorial - Scripting III
"Around 1995, when the Dark Forces DEMO came out, I started working on DFUSE (the DOS version, in C). I didn't release it then because it would have been a bit unethical (you could have made levels for the demo, never buying the game). When the full game came out, I did a few quick changes that were necessary (some formats changed slightly), then released DFUSE 1.0 on ftp.cdrom.com This included the first DF specs if I remember correctly. I made a couple of updates if I remember correctly, but nothing much. Later in that year, I also sent a copy of my C code to Brad Oliver, to help him start on the Mac editor (Dark Forge IIRC). Around 1996, I had to learn Delphi for work, so I decided the best way to learn was to use it to make a Windows version of DFUSE, and in a couple of weekends that became WDFUSE 1.0 I released a couple versions, then started preparing to move from Europe to the US to work at LucasArts. I enrolled the help of David Lovejoy, Alexei Novikov and Jereth Kok to help as I was working 2 jobs (my job + LucasArts) + preparing a transatlantic move lol We called ourselves The Code Alliance and they pretty much took over WDFUSE... many other people helped too! " '
The editor was very popular in the editing community, even making it to various magazines such as this blurb from PC Zone magazine from August 1995 (page 118).
WDFUSE can be downloaded from https://df-21.net utilities section here. The source code is available on GitHub here .