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Mines Level Contest

Posted by karjala on 2022-11-01 17:01:29 EST

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Mines Level Contest

Now that the WDFUSE editor is modernized with 3D preview it is a good time to de-rust our map-making skills! This is why the staff at DF-21 will be hostnig a level-making contest... with a prize 

The Contest Theme

Logo for the Mines Level Design Contest

The goal of the contest is the rework of the classic map Mines . What is Mines? Go ahead give it a try ... like now! Mines Download

Important Note:  Please download the MODERN version of the map as it is patched to be compatible with modern editors!


All done? Well if you have, you will realize that the map was made by a child, only known as Ari G and is of ... questionable ... quality. 


Here is how the mission looks like in the game...


This is what it looks like in the editor....


And here is the readme... 

mines b y Ari G.
Its my frst levvel so pleaze dont say its stuupid


As much as we may joke about it,  over the years the communtiy fell in love with this mission. There is even a Mines Appreciation Page !


Therefore, the theme of the contest is to answer the question of...


What is behind the spooky Hall of Mirrors (HOM) wall in the second room of the mission?



The Contest Rules

You must submit a custom mission of your own creation that adheres to the following rules. 

  1. You need to answer the question outlined in the contest. What is behind the Hall of Mirrors (HOM) in the Mines mission?
  2. You have to preserve the Mines Geometry and  Objects including the Spawn Point and the Death Star Plans   (You can however, alter the geometry after the mission starts with scripting). 
  3. You can add as many objectives as you wish, but you must preserve the original one. 
  4. You do  NOT  need to create a mission briefing (i.e. - NO LFDs required)
  5. You must submit the mission GOB to DF-21.net with the author template filled out --> Author Template
  6. Your submission must be turned by midnight on November 30th 2022 EST -->  Here
  7. Most importantly - USE YOUR IMAGINATION AND HAVE FUN !


The Contest Prize

The winning map of the contest will be judged by our Discord users with the Member role. The highest voted on map will receive the Dark Trooper Attack Lego Set !

The Lego Set will be shipped to the author's address (even to Australia) after the winner is announced. 

Important Note: DF-21 Staff cannot win the prize. If a staff's submission wins, the prize will be awarded to the second most votes.


Useful Tools

If you've never made a mission in Dark Forces before don't worry! 

You can use the modern WDFUSE editor to make your mission. We also have a new step-by-step tutorial found Here .

If you are stuck or havea question about the contest - simply ask for help in our Discord !