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Coober Revisited
by Oton (fish) Ribic

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Among The Shadows II: The Lava Planet
by Oton (fish) Ribic

May the 4th update

Posted by karjala on 2023-05-04 10:32:41 EST

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Happy May the 4th!

On this special Star Wars Day we have a lot of amazing updates for you! 

  • Dark Forces Community Patch 3 Release. Download
  • WDFUSE Editor Release 3.10 Download
  • New Custom mission Coober Revisited Download
  • Asset platform release Link
  • Levels now include new walkthroughs and reviews  Link
  • Dark Forces Walkthrough guy by Max Duckwall Link
  • Level Archive Search Program  Link


Dark Forces Community Patch

We are excited to release the new version of the Dark Forces Community Patch. Version 3 adds more bug fixes, new visual and audio effects, new objectives, and restored cut content. 

You can Download it Here

There are a lot of new visual additions to make the levels feel more realistic. You can now see Imperial Ships docked around the missions.



We even have tie fighters patrolling the nearby space! 



Here are the patch notes:

1. Re-add GEARUP cutscene
1. Map improvements for TFE - allow more buildings to be visible in the distance
2. Fix floor texture alignment near start
1. Fix ELEVSTRT disabling at end of level
2. Add lights to platform
1. Fix the crack in the elevator room 
2. Yard elevator go up after 3 seconds
3. Remove INT droids from Ewok cell
4. Alter elevator area so no fall damage taken
5. Move turret in elev passage so can be hit at better angle
6. Added new objective when nearing Crix's cell
7. Added a switch to disable the poison gas. 
8. Moved platform switch inside the system to prevent player getting stuck.
1. Disable re-entry to facility after charges set
2. Fix starting area so Crow doesn't pass through wall
3. New location for ice cleats - near crates
4. Improved lighting
5. Add slow movement to pools of acid
1. Make redbox sector a light switch, plus music. Also add chairs to bar
2. Fixed sky texture for sector 163
1. Allow kell dragon sector to be sent back down, to allow backtracking
1. Disable access back to ISO building after passing through vault and getting data tapes
2. Fix buildings near start so Crow doesn't fly through walls
3. Add scenery visible from top of ISO building
Fuel Station
1. Add TIE fighter VUE outside cantina windows
2. Add cantina music
3. Add shuttle on a platform (scenery only, no access)
4. Make exterior areas full sized and more detailed
5. Reset switch colours to a single state. Not red/blue toggling
6. Auto open door when elevator near control room goes down
7. Control room console blinks during arm rotation
8. Add passage which allows player to return to control room without re-solving rotating platform puzzle
Arc Hammer
1. Add sound to conveyor belts
2. first sequencer charge area - make piston slower so switch is easier to discover 

WDFUSE 3.1 Release

The Dark Forces Editor 3.1 is now released. You can download it here 




It has a lot more bug fixes and feature. Here are the patch notes. 

1. You can now load GOBs directory without making a new project.
2. You now longer need to specify a project name - it will be created automatically if empty.
3. Fixes loading of WEDIT 1.0 special symbol projects.
4. If you only have one level in the gob WDFUSE will auto select it without prompting.
5. Added an option to rename projects
6. Added an option to Load a backup 
7. Fixed an issue where cancelling a project with many levels would load the wrong level
8. Added a warning to prevent you from writing into an existing project. 
Map Editor:
1. Remove Toast notifications
2. Font used will now be preserved in INF editor.
3. Fixed the LVL / Header link in WDFUSE pointing to the same menu when they should be different components.
4. Now show the length of the ruler at the top(CTRL+ALT and drag)
5. Added an option to automatically match Top and Bottom textures when extracting and adjoining.
1. Textures in the Project folder are now sorted properly.
2. Added a new central Asset Folder to choose assets from
3. Added auto conversion of 11khz vox audio files
4. Automatically copy over custom assets to your project folder when selected
1. Added Wax Converter 2.0 to the bundle
1. Fix backup spam if you rename the backup folder
2. You will no longer be prompted to specify a ReadMe text file 


Coober Revisited Release

Fish (Oton Ribic) has released a new custom mission. Coober Revisited ! It's a fun remake of an older mission.

Kyle realizes that the Coober incident was caused by the Empires spacetime distortion experiments....

Check it out Here



Asset Platform Release

After many years of work we have finally released the Dark Forces Asset Platform. You can now easily browser for all the Dark Forces Assets!

You can now easily find BMs, WAX, Audio Files, and even Voxels. You can search by custom tags and text!

Here we are searching for Droids. 

It allows you to easily link to each asset and clicking on each item will allow you to get information from it. 


Check out the Asset Collection here


Level MetaData Updates

We've expanded the level information to include additional meta-data such as creation date, reviews and modern (TFE) wakthroughs. 

New Dark Forces Walkthrough Guide

Max Duckwall was kind enough to record new walkthroughs using The Force Engine. Here is the link to the entire Walkthrough Playlist


Dark Forces Map Search

Star Wars: Dark Forces has a long history of talented artists creating custom assets and graphics for custom missions. From bulletin boards and FTP sites, pockets and troves have been passed down and preserved by fans, adding depth and character to Kyle Katarn's adventures.

When we rebuilt DF-21.net a few years ago, we dug through old HDDs and archives, explored ancient corners of Internet archive, and were pleasantly surprised the many places we found assets. Even, so our search continues, and we are calling out for one last great search.

If you have any Dark Forces levels or art assets, we would like to archive them. Even if it was something you never publicly released, we want to preserve that work, adding to the creative tapestry this community has woven over almost 3 decades.

If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist." - Jedi Librarian Jocasta Nu

We have compiled a list of Star Wars: Dark Forces missions, but are still looking for a few and always on the lookout for something new or unknown.

Level List is here Level Guide

Here you can see exactly what we have on the site. If you have something we don't have please submit it here


Happy May 4th to the Star Wars Community! =)





The Force Engine 1.0 Release

Posted by karjala on 2022-12-19 10:42:32 EST

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The Force Engine 1.0 Released!


We are on PC Gamer - welcome everyone!

If you want to play custom Dark Forces missions in The Force Engine (TFE) simply ... 

  1. Download a custom mission from the list here
  2. Place it in the Mods folder insde your TFE install (You can just drop the zip inside!). 

  3. Go to the Mods section and select a mod from the list.

  4. I recommend you try these missions first! The Dark Tide - Part 1 , Lava Planet  or Prelude to Harkov 
  5. Finally, if you want to learn Dark Forces Map Making we have a newbie-friendly step-by-step Tutorial .

Original Story

It's been three years since the project started and today is the day when it finally releases to the public! Congratulations Lucius!

Go read the release announcement on The Force Engine's page

You can download it here here


Here is the Release Trailer! 


For those that are not familiar, TFE is a full reverse engineer of Dark Forces code with multiple improvements. It is a successor, of sorts, of the DarkXL project that was abandoned due to the engineering changes of the time. This new version is by far the best way to play the game in 2022. 

Please post bugs in the #bugs section of the TFE Forum here TFE Forums


Feature List

  • Full Dark Forces support, including mods. Outlaws support is coming in version 2.0.
  • Mod Loader - simply place your mods in the Mods/ directory as zip files or directories.
  • High Resolution and Widescreen support - when using 320x200 you get the original software renderer. TFE also includes a floating-point software renderer which supports widescreen, including ultrawide, and much higher resolutions.
  • GPU Renderer with perspective correct pitch - play at much higher resolutions with improved performance.
  • Extended Limits - TFE, by default, will support much higher limits than the original game which removes most of the HOM (Hall of Mirrors) issues in advanced mods.
  • Full input binding, mouse sensitivity adjustment, and controller support. Note, however, that menus currently require the mouse.
  • Optional Quality of Life improvements, such as full mouselook, aiming reticle, improved Boba Fett AI, autorun, and more.
  • A new save system that works seamlessly with the existing checkpoint and lives system. You can ignore it entirely, use it just as an exit save so you don’t have to play long user levels in one sitting, or full save and load with quicksaves like Doom or Duke Nukem 3D.
  • Optional and quality of life features, even mouselook, can be disabled if you want the original experience. Play in 320x200, turn the mouse mode (Input menu) to Menus only or horizontal, and enable the Classic (software) renderer - and it will look and play just like DOS, but with a higher framerate and without needing to adjust cycles in DosBox.




At DF-21 we will work on embedding custom missions to work with TFE so one can load them instantly. 


- Karjala


Mines Level Contest

Posted by karjala on 2022-11-01 17:01:29 EST

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Mines Level Contest

Now that the WDFUSE editor is modernized with 3D preview it is a good time to de-rust our map-making skills! This is why the staff at DF-21 will be hostnig a level-making contest... with a prize 

The Contest Theme

Logo for the Mines Level Design Contest

The goal of the contest is the rework of the classic map Mines . What is Mines? Go ahead give it a try ... like now! Mines Download

Important Note:  Please download the MODERN version of the map as it is patched to be compatible with modern editors!


All done? Well if you have, you will realize that the map was made by a child, only known as Ari G and is of ... questionable ... quality. 


Here is how the mission looks like in the game...


This is what it looks like in the editor....


And here is the readme... 

mines b y Ari G.
Its my frst levvel so pleaze dont say its stuupid


As much as we may joke about it,  over the years the communtiy fell in love with this mission. There is even a Mines Appreciation Page !


Therefore, the theme of the contest is to answer the question of...


What is behind the spooky Hall of Mirrors (HOM) wall in the second room of the mission?



The Contest Rules

You must submit a custom mission of your own creation that adheres to the following rules. 

  1. You need to answer the question outlined in the contest. What is behind the Hall of Mirrors (HOM) in the Mines mission?
  2. You have to preserve the Mines Geometry and  Objects including the Spawn Point and the Death Star Plans   (You can however, alter the geometry after the mission starts with scripting). 
  3. You can add as many objectives as you wish, but you must preserve the original one. 
  4. You do  NOT  need to create a mission briefing (i.e. - NO LFDs required)
  5. You must submit the mission GOB to DF-21.net with the author template filled out --> Author Template
  6. Your submission must be turned by midnight on November 30th 2022 EST -->  Here
  7. Most importantly - USE YOUR IMAGINATION AND HAVE FUN !


The Contest Prize

The winning map of the contest will be judged by our Discord users with the Member role. The highest voted on map will receive the Dark Trooper Attack Lego Set !

The Lego Set will be shipped to the author's address (even to Australia) after the winner is announced. 

Important Note: DF-21 Staff cannot win the prize. If a staff's submission wins, the prize will be awarded to the second most votes.


Useful Tools

If you've never made a mission in Dark Forces before don't worry! 

You can use the modern WDFUSE editor to make your mission. We also have a new step-by-step tutorial found Here .

If you are stuck or havea question about the contest - simply ask for help in our Discord !

WDFUSE 3.0 and DF-21 Wiki

Posted by karjala on 2022-07-23 09:20:19 EST

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WDFUSE 3.0 Release

We are excited to announce version 3.0 of the WDFUSE - the Dark Forces Editor. This version has multiple improvements that will streamline your map-making experience. 

You can download it from our Downloads section or through a direct link here. 

3D Renderer Updates

A long-requested feature by the community (Ex: Secbase Unlimited) was the realization of a 3D renderer synchronization to visualize editor changes. This day has come and now the editor has live synchronization to the 3D Renderer .

Any change you make in the 2D mode editor will be instantly reflected in the 3D renderer.


This includes moving map components such as sectors, walls and objects. For a better understanding of what live-synchronization entails take a look at the video below. 


You can now automatically download, install and configure it by pressing the download button in the 3D Renderer Options tab. 


This is a seismic shift - gone are the days of launching the game just to see if the texture you moved is now properly aligned with the wall. The changes are instant and work with the largest community-made missions such as the Dark Tide Series or the Assassination on Nar Shaddaa

WDFUSE Tutorial Missions

The Editor now includes mission tutorials. They will give you step-by-step instructions on how get started with mission editing. They are geared towards map-makers without any experience. 

You can load them up from the New WDFUSE project window.

The tutorial missions will go over all the Dark Forces editing components in a simple methodical manner. Here you can see the tutorial room on Switches.

Editor Improvements

In addition to the renderer we now fully support the Origin store version of Dark Forces as well as being able to launch your GOBs within the The Force Engine 

We can now drag individual or multiple vertices at once. This will make wall-alignment a breeze.

Here we multi-select vertices and move all of them at once instead of piece-meal. All the adjoining vertices are moved together. 


You can now specify colors of any object in the editor. Don't like the defaults? Make all the stormtroopers red!


You can now load any recent project you've been working on. This is useful for those of us that jump between multiple projects. 

Full Change List


  • Added ability to load a list of Recent project
  • You can now have projects longer than 8 characters long
  • Added an option to open the project folder of the current project in explorer
  • WDPs should now be auto-associated via the Options
  • Added variable back-up limits via Options
  • Added 100 vs 125 DPI support
  • The Force Engine has been added as a Launch Menu in Options
  • Added EA Origin support as an external storefront. 
  • Added verification to project assets and added more logging when issues occur
  • Added a warning if the GOB assets are locked (Ex: you are running Dark Forces)

Map Editor

  • Added real-time sync with 3D Renderer 
  • Clicking on Sector Find now updates the INF Editor as well
  • You can now update multiple wall lengths at a time
  • Sector Heights are now shown in the Wall Editor 
  • BOSS and COMPLETE sectors are now different colors (controlled via Options)
  • Normals now always show up when single-clicking on a single Wall
  • Grid/Scale settings are now stored in the INI file
  • Fixed an issue where some objects do not detect the sector they are in
  • Bit values now show up in the INF Editor's event_masks
  • You can now pan while holding ALT and left clicking
  • Added freehand drawing of vertices while holding CTRL button
  • Added control over object snapping (Floor/Ceiling/None) 
  • Clicking away from objects will now auto commit (if enabled)
  • Added support for negative Yaw values (will modulo to 360)
  • You can now change the texture offsets using Shift+Arrow Keys
  • Added Rotate option to the Pop-Up menu
  • Added Flip option to the Pop-Up menu
  • You can now change object colors 
  • Added ability to move Vertex and Wall multi-adjoins at once instead of individual dragging.
  • Deletion of multi-Vertex/Walls added


  • The Asset Toolkit now loads DELT/ANIM filetypes
  • Added WAV to VOC converters
  • Added PAL/CMP/WAX converter tools from Jereth Kok and Oton Ribic


  • Rewrote CopyFile code so now you get valid stacktrack during issues 
  • You can now enable/disable Wall Texture modulo via Options
  • Fixed Wall scale calculation where sometimes you could not click on walls that have small deltas (Ex: 0.01)
  • Added a WIKI Tutorial as a HELP (F1) guide.


  • Renderer height and width size is now stored in the registry to persist between sessions
  • Holding ALT button now allows you to pan your mouse from 3D renderer to WDFUSE
  • Added an option to automatically download and install the renderer from the Options menu.

DF-21 Wiki and WDFUSE Tutorial

Learning WDFUSE has always been a challenge. There were few modern guides explaining how to make custom missions. 

We've taken the time to create an entire Wiki with full an extensive tutorial with example missions to help you get started. 

Check out the modern WDFUSE Tutorial and feel free to expand it with more examples. 

DF-21 Interview

Posted by karjala on 2022-06-29 20:50:04 EST

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DF-21 Staff Interview

We've recorded an interview with the Australian game podcast TwoBit Gamers.

Come have a listen! 

We talk about how we were first introduced to Dark Forces and what led us to the DF-21 community.